Follow us on social media


While we try to ensure the information published on these channels is current and accurate, we cannot guarantee this. You are responsible for checking the currency and accuracy of information before relying on it. The Queensland Government disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of these channels.

Why we use social media

We use social media to:

  • inform you of updates and new information on
  • remind you of important events and alert you to breaking news
  • link to interesting and useful information about business and innovation in Queensland
  • provide you with information about support and resources available to help your business start, grow and thrive.

Our use of these media will be influenced by your participation with our social media accounts and content.

Our social media accounts should not be considered a source of official government information. The views and ideas of individuals posted or interviewed are personal opinions only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Queensland Government. Any official statements concerning Queensland business and industry will be released on

Monitoring our accounts

The social media accounts are monitored during office hours from Monday to Friday.

There may be circumstances outside of our control where our social media channels are unavailable. We apologise in advance if this causes any inconvenience. In these instances you may be able to find the information you are looking for on our website or by phoning us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Responding to posts, comments, replies or direct messages

We welcome feedback and ideas from all our followers and social media audiences, and try to join the conversation where possible. We are not able to reply individually to all the messages we receive via our social networks, however, we do read all comments and messages and will notify the relevant people of any emerging themes or suggestions.

Direct messages through Facebook or LinkedIn are not considered official correspondence. You should contact the appropriate departments by phone, email or in writing if you have a:

  • formal request, comment or enquiry
  • complaint against staff or services
  • response to an item for public consultation.


When we link to an external website in our social media posts, we do not necessarily endorse that website, service or person.

Such sites and associated content are not under the control of As such, we are not responsible for the content or reliability of links, or for any loss or inconvenience arising from their use.

Following, liking and subscribing

If you follow us on any of our social media channels we may decide to follow you back. Being followed by us does not imply endorsement of any kind.

Facebook (Meta)

If you no longer wish to be part of the network on Facebook, visit our Facebook page and 'Unlike' us (at the bottom of the left-hand column). To learn more, go to the Facebook help centre.


If you no longer wish to follow our LinkedIn page (Department of Employment, Smalll Business and Training), login to your LinkedIn profile, and unfollow us. To learn more, go to Follow or Unfollow People – LinkedIn Help.


If you no longer wish to subscribe to our YouTube channel, sign in to your account and visit the channel. Here you will be able to unsubscribe and no longer receive updates from our channel. To learn more, go to YouTube help.


Be aware that all social media are public spaces on the internet, and all interaction is publicly viewable and searchable over time.

Learn more about privacy from: