Registering with QBuild

QBuild is the leading provider of construction and strategic building maintenance services for Queensland Government.

We need contractors, consultants and suppliers who operate in these industries, particularly businesses in regional Queensland.

We consult the register of contractors, consultants and suppliers when we go to market via a select list invitation process.

Therefore, registration gives you more access to tender opportunities.

Your registration remains active for 2 years. After 2 years, you need to re-apply with us to stay registered.

Registration is free.

Registration process

  1. Read the relevant conditions of working with QBuild for contractors, consultants or suppliers:
    1. Contractors – QBuild (PDF, 394KB)
    2. Consultants – QBuild (PDF, 324KB)
    3. Suppliers – QBuild (PDF, 301KB)
  2. Read our guide to completing the online registration (PDF, 1.6MB).
  3. Register online.

Not ready to register with QBuild? Join our QBuild supplier mailing list to register your interest and receive updates about opportunities.

What happens next

If your application is successful, we send you a registration number.

We also contact you if we need more information or your application is unsuccessful.

You can read about opportunities for tenders and quotes.

Supplier Performance Management Framework (SPMF)

Managing and monitoring a supplier's ability to deliver value for money, is a principle of the Queensland procurement policy. This includes contractors, suppliers and consultants.

It is essential that suppliers listed on the QBuild registration database meet the standards expected to conduct business with the Queensland Government. Suppliers unable to comply with these standards may be required to participate in a formal review of their QBuild registration.

Download the Supplier performance management framework (PDF, 697KB) for an overview of the review process that applies to suppliers.


You can also view the standard contracts used by QBuild.

These contract templates are for your information only.

Updating your details

If you're already registered but your details are incorrect, you can update your details online. It's your responsibility to keep your details up to date.

Note: If your Australian Business Number (ABN) changes, you're no longer the same business entity, so you need to complete a new registration application.


WorkCover insurance

You don't need to provide WorkCover insurance if you don't have any employees. However, if you're self-employed, you must have personal injury insurance for your own protection.

Public liability insurance

All contractors, suppliers and consultants who deliver goods or provide services to our work sites or depots must provide evidence of public liability insurance.

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