Tenders and quotes for QBuild

For low-value goods and services, QBuild usually requests quotes from a shortlist of suppliers selected from the register of local contractors and suppliers. Find out how to register.

A lot of purchasing occurs through standing offer arrangements or preferred supplier arrangements.

In these arrangements, QBuild might procure goods and services for several years using a competitive, value-for-money tendering process. These processes are usually open or public tenders.

All open tenders are advertised on QTenders and/or VendorPanel.

Opportunities to quote

When we invite quotes from a select market, we give preference to local industry in line with the Queensland charter for local content and other relevant policies and guidelines.

For low-value, low-risk requests for quote, we rotate opportunities among proven performers, previously unsuccessful tenderers and local providers.

Getting work

Being registered doesn't guarantee you'll get work with QBuild. However, you'll get an opportunity to quote, subject to the:

  • registration category
  • work location
  • number of tenderers available in the local pool
  • completeness of your registration details.

Prequalifying for major building and construction projects

The Prequalification (PQC) System is the Queensland whole-of-government register of prequalified building consultants and contractors.

The register helps government departments select providers above certain thresholds:

  • building industry contractors for projects valued at more than $1 million
  • building industry consultants for high-risk commissions and commissions over $60,000.

Find out if you need to register through the PQC System.