Caboolture electronic distance measurement (EDM) baseline
Baseline status
Suitable for use while certificate remains valid.
Reporting problems
Contact the Regional Calibration Officer (listed under the 'Contacts' heading) as soon as possible if any of the following information is incorrect or to report any problems with the baseline.
The Caboolture baseline is located on the western side and adjacent to Dances Road (between Dances Road and the fenced railway line), 2km north of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development and council offices in the town centre. Pillar 0 is at the northern end of the baseline, opposite the baseball grounds. Pillar 6 is just north of the D'Aguilar Hwy/North Coast Railway overpass.
Bookings are made through Moreton Bay Regional Council. The pillar bolts can be collected from the Caboolture council office reception desk in the town centre.
Type: 7 station Schwendener. Stations are concrete pillars.
Datum RL: The datum plane is based on reduced level (RL) 0.0 metres. RLs for the stations are derived from station 0 – permanent survey mark (PSM) 141489.
Alignment: Base alignment is from station 0 to 6. Offsets are negative to the left and positive to the right of the line viewed from station 0.
Station # | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
PSM # | 141489 | 199607 | 199608 | 199609 | 199610 | 199611 | 141490 |
- Council office is open from 8:30am–5:00pm. Contact the council to arrange times outside these hours.
- The original baseline (station 0 – PSM42855 and station 6 – PSM42856) was destroyed in 2007 and reconstructed about 16m east of the old baseline in early 2008 to make way for the North Coast Railway.
- Vehicular use of the access track alongside the baseline is permitted in dry weather conditions only and for speeds less than 30km/h.
- Vehicles must not drive across the table drain. Access the pillars via the pipe crossings only.
- Work health and safety (WHS) and Working in Proximity to Traffic requirements must be observed by placing appropriate signage.
Regulation 13 certificate
Regional Calibration Officer
Warren Buckley
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development
1 William Street
Phone: (07) 3330 4348
City of Moreton Bay
2 Hasking Street
Reception Desk
Phone: (07) 3205 0555