Eureka electronic distance measurement (EDM) baseline

Baseline status

Suitable for use while certificate remains valid.

Reporting problems

Contact the Regional Calibration Officer (listed under the 'Contacts' heading) as soon as possible if any of the following information is incorrect or to report any problems with the baseline.


The Eureka baseline is located within a scientific reserve (100–102/SP292300) situated approximately 15km west of the township of Childers. Address of access to site is 698 Eureka Station Road, Eureka QLD 4660.


The site can be accessed through a locked steel gate just south of pillar 2 (PSM207202) off Eureka Station Road (gravel road). This gate is also the legal access to privately owned property. Surveyors will be supplied the combination to the padlock at this gate once a booking has been confirmed.


This site must be booked prior to use and the combination to the padlock obtained from one of the business centres noted below. Contact the department business centre listed below to arrange bookings, payments and combination for the padlock.


Type: 7 station Schwendener. Stations are concrete pillars atop 0.4m concrete plinth.

Datum RL: The datum plane is based on approximate reduced level (RL) 120.0 metres. Reduced levels for the stations are derived from Station 0 – Permanent Survey Mark (PSM) 207200.

Alignment: Base alignment is from Station 0 to 6. Offsets are negative to the left and positive to the right of the line viewed from Station 0.


Station #0123456
PSM # 207200 207201 207202 207203 207204 207205 207206


  • Ensure all gates are left in their original state after passing through.
  • The security combination will not be issued until full payment for the range use has been received.
  • Vehicles and equipment must be clean of weed seed before and after travelling to the baseline.
  • Vehicles must adhere to appropriate speeds while traversing the baseline and must not venture westward of the pillars.
  • Local livestock are free to graze within this reserve to assist with maintaining vegetation. Interaction with livestock is strictly prohibited. Please respect the property of adjoining landowners and their livestock.
  • This site is to be used in dry weather only. In the event of unexpected wet weather, use a 4WD to minimise track wear.
  • Ensure pillar caps are placed on pillars before leaving the site.
  • Electric fences are used by adjoining owners. Please take care around these fences.
  • The combination padlock will not lock shut if the correct combination is still selected.
  • Umbrellas can be secured to one of the galvanised posts provided on each plinth.
  • For additional information regarding the use of this site and/or the calibration of measuring equipment, contact the Regional Calibration Officer.

Regulation 13 certificate


Regional Calibration Officer

Martin Cole
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development
16–32 Enterprise Street

Phone: (07) 4131 2327

Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development (Business Centre)

Contact your local Business Centre.