Townsville electronic distance measurement (EDM) baseline

Baseline status

Suitable for use while certificate remains valid.

Reporting problems

Contact the Regional Calibration Officer (listed under the 'Contacts' heading) as soon as possible if any of the following information is incorrect or to report any problems with the baseline.


This baseline is located adjacent to the high voltage power lines on the northern side and parallel to Dalrymple Service Road, between the Nathan Street and Angus Avenue. Pillar 0 is at the Nathan Street (Eastern) end of the baseline.


Access to the baseline is via Dalrymple Road at Pillar 0, Angus Avenue at Pillar 6 or via a locked gate on Dalrymple Service Road between Pillar 0 and Pillar 1. Vehicles are restricted to this side road during wet weather conditions and are not permitted to travel along the baseline. Vehicles should maintain 5m clearance to pillars at all times.

Vehicles must give way to all pedestrians when crossing footpath between Pillar 4 and Pillar 5.

The pillars are locked and also require bolts to attach the tribrachs. Contact the Townsville Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development business centre for baseline bookings and to arrange collection of bolts and keys.


Type: 7 station Schwendener. Stations are concrete pillars.

Datum RL: The datum plane is based on reduced level (RL) 10.0 metres. RLs for the stations are derived from permanent survey mark (PSM) 79950 (AHDD = 9.357m, 4th Order, Class 'D').

Alignment: Base alignment is from station 0 to 5. Offsets are negative to the left and positive to the right of the line viewed from station 0.


Station # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
PSM # 196000 196001 196002 196003 196004 196005 196006


  • Pillar bolts are numbered. Ensure the correct bolt is used and that it is the right way up so that the supplied tool can be used to insert the bolt firmly and remove it after use.

Regulation 13 certificate


Regional Calibration Officer

Danny McCosker
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development
Level 9
445 Flinders Street

Phone: (07) 4529 1332

Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development (Business Centre)