Walkamin electronic distance measurement (EDM) baseline
Baseline status
Suitable for use while certificate remains valid.
Reporting problems
Contact the Regional Calibration Officer (listed under the 'Contacts' heading) as soon as possible if any of the following information is incorrect or to report any problems with the baseline.
The Walkamin EDM baseline is located within a scientific reserve (1/SP269667) situated in the former railway corridor south of Walkamin. The site runs parallel to the Kennedy Highway between Walkamin and Atherton. The baseline is on the opposite side of the Kennedy Highway to the Walkamin Agricultural Research Station. This site has restricted access.
This site must be booked prior to use. Bookings can be made by phoning the Cairns business centre (see 'Contacts'). A security key is required for access and can be picked up from the Mareeba or Cairns business centres.
There is no direct access to the baseline from the Kennedy Highway. Access to the site is from Carbeen Road.
Type: 7 station Schwendener. Stations are concrete pillars.
Datum RL: The datum plane is based on reduced level (RL) 600 metres. Reduced levels for the stations are derived from PM 94630 (RL 606.337).
Alignment: Base alignment is from Station 0 → 6. Offsets are negative to the left and positive to the right of the line viewed from Station 0.
Station # | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
PSM # | 194600 | 194601 | 194602 | 194603 | 194604 | 194605 | 194606 |
- Instrument observations should commence from station 0.
- All vehicle traffic should be kept to the old railway formation.
- Observation may be impacted by shade from neighbouring trees in the afternoon.
- Ensure all gates are closed and pillar caps are placed on pillars prior to leaving the site.
- For additional information regarding the use of this site and/or the calibration of measuring equipment, contact the Regional Calibration Officer.
Regulation 13 certificate
Regional Calibration Officer
Chris Serpell
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development
Level 4, William McCormack Place
5B Sheridan Street
Phone (07) 4222 5406