Department of Primary Industries Animal Ethics Committee

The Department of Primary Industries Animal Ethics Committee (AEC) provides corporations, institutions and individuals with access to an AEC if they are unable to establish their own.

You may seek approval from the department's AEC to conduct scientific activities involving the use of animals in Queensland.

Applying for approval from the department's AEC

To apply for approval to conduct scientific activities using animals, you must:

  1. register with Biosecurity Queensland as a user of animals for scientific purposes by completing the appropriate registration form*
  2. *complete the Application to use animals for a scientific purpose form.

*You must register with Biosecurity Queensland before obtaining approval from the department's AEC.

Additional forms

Approved forms cannot be updated after your application has been approved. To send an update or provide us with additional information, you must use the following forms:

Project completion reporting

You must provide written advice to us once your project finishes by completing the Project completion advice form. We will send you a reminder to submit the form when your project reaches its completion date.

Annual reporting

At the end of each calendar year everyone with a current AEC approval from the department's AEC must provide written advice by completing the Annual progress report form. You will need to use the Animal types list to complete the progress report.

You must complete annual reporting as early in the year as possible to allow us to meet legislated animal use reporting requirements.

AEC summary report

At the end of each financial year the AEC submits an annual report to the Department of Primary Industries. This report covers the AEC's compliance with the Code and the functioning of the AEC. Read a summary of the AEC annual report.

AEC terms of reference and procedures

The AEC terms of reference and procedures provides details of current AEC processes. It combines the AEC terms of reference and AEC procedures.

AEC (Community Access) 2025 meeting dates

These are the Department of Primary Industries Community Access AEC 2025 meeting dates. Note: These dates are a guide only and may change.

Applications dueMeeting dates in 2025
08 January 20 January
12 February 24 February
19 March 31 March
16 April 28 April
14 May 26 May
18 June 30 June
16 July 28 July
14 August 25 August
17 September 29 September
15 October 27 October
12 November 24 November

More information

Contact our Customer Service Centre for more information or to speak to a member of the department's AEC.