Japanese encephalitis information for pig owners


Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) has been detected at several piggeries in southern Queensland. There have also been recent detections in New South Wales and Victoria.

Owners of pigs and horses in Queensland should be alert for signs of Japanese encephalitis.


JEV poses a risk to animal and human health, and is reportable in Queensland. If you suspect an animal is showing signs of Japanese encephalitis you must report it to:

  • your local veterinarian
  • Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito-borne viral disease. Waterbirds act as natural reservoirs for the virus, and mosquitoes can spread the virus to people, horses, pigs and other animals.

Most infections with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in pigs are subclinical, meaning the animal is infected but shows no signs of disease. However, during the 2022 outbreak significant impacts were seen with reports of up to 20% of piglets stillborn or mummified.

Queensland pig owners and operators of piggeries are urged to take steps to protect their pigs against JEV and remain alert for any signs of JEV infection in their animals. Work with your veterinarian if your animals are showing clinical signs and if JEV is suspected, report this to Biosecurity Queensland.