If you see or catch tilapia outside of their known distribution, take a photo and report it online or phone Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23

Spotted tilapia restricted noxious fish
© Queensland Government

Five sub-adult spotted tilapia with scale ruler
© Queensland Government

Young spotted tilapia (Tilapia mariae) captured from the Walsh River in October 2017
© Queensland Government

Tilapia Mozambique mouthbrooder: restricted noxious fish
© Queensland Government
Tilapia were introduced into Australia in the 1970s as ornamental fish and are now a major threat to Australia's native biodiversity. Females carry their eggs and small fry in their mouths, and these can survive for a long time after the adult dies. Therefore, releasing living or dead fish into waterways can cause new infestations. Tilapia is a restricted noxious fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
Scientific name
Other names
- Part of the Cichlidae family: Mozambique tilapia
- spotted tilapia
O. mossambicus
- Grows to more than 36cm.
- Lives up to 13 years.
- Usually dark grey or almost black but can be silver with 2–5 dark blotches/spots on the side.
- Breeding males can have red tips on their fins.
- Deep-bodied with a thin profile and long pointed fins.
T. mariae
- Ranges from dark olive-green to light yellow.
- 8 or 9 dark bars or blotches on the sides (obvious in younger fish).
- Grows to 30cm.
- Deep-bodied with a thin profile and long pointed fins.
O. mossambicus
- Hardy fish, can survive temperatures between 8 and 42°C.
- Requires temperatures of about 16°C to remain active and feed.
- Can withstand high-saline waters and low-dissolved oxygen.
T. mariae
- Less tolerant of cooler temperatures and therefore found at lower latitudes.
Life cycle
- Sexually mature at 3 years or less in favourable conditions.
- O. mossambicus can become sexually mature at small sizes in poor conditions, or during times of overcrowding. Known as 'stunting', this results in large populations of mature fish with small bodies.
- O. mossambicus are mouthbrooders. Females protect eggs and small fry from predators by holding them in their mouths. Males build large circular breeding nests in soft silt or muddy layers.
- T. mariae lay their eggs on hard surfaces.
- Diet is omnivorous.
- O. mossambicus feed mainly on plankton, insects and weed but will take a wide variety of other foods.
- T. mariae mainly eat plants.
- Successfully invades and dominates many water habitats due to their high ability to reproduce and survive in very different conditions, and simple food needs.
- Can rapidly outnumber native fish and dominate aquatic communities.
- Can survive environments where native fish find coping difficult.
- Unlike many native freshwater fish, tilapia can retreat downstream into highly saline waters during drought and move back upstream when conditions improve.
- Affects native species as they compete for habitat and food, behave aggressively and disturb plant beds when building nests.
- Loss of favourite fishing locations due to tilapia invading and destroying native fish populations. Tilapia can create large, monospecific (single species) fisheries.
How they are spread
- Most new infestations are caused by human-assisted translocation (movement of live fish). This includes private dam stocking and moving tilapia between catchments to use as bait, or to create new 'fisheries'.
- Biosecurity Queensland maintains a strict 'no-take' approach to manage tilapia and reduce the spread of this noxious fish.
Monitoring and action
- If you catch tilapia in the wild, humanely kill them and do not return them to the water. If you see or catch tilapia outside of their known distribution, take a photo and report it online or phone Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.
- Follow the ethical euthanasia code in Euthanasia of animals used for scientific purposes (PDF, 1.8MB), the 2001 Australian & New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching publication. The most appropriate way may be to stun the fish with a sharp blow to the back of the head, just above the eyes. When done correctly, this causes brain destruction—the fish's gill covers should stop moving and eyes should remain still.
- Intensive fishing may reduce pest fish numbers in small enclosed waterbodies, but this practice alone is not an effective long-term control strategy.
- Poisons can completely remove pest fish in ponds and small dams, but are not practical for rivers and streams as these poisons also kill native fish.
Legal requirements
- Tilapia is a restricted noxious fish under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
- You must not keep, feed, give away, sell, or release tilapia into the environment.
- If you catch these species, you must immediately humanely kill and dispose of them by burying them above the high-water mark or disposing of them in a nearby bin.
- By law, you have a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to take reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with restricted noxious fish under your control.