
Adult brown lacewing
© C. Freebairn, Queensland Government

Brown lacewing larva feeding on aphids
© C. Freebairn, Queensland Government

Green lacewing adult
© J. Wessels, Queensland Government

Green lacewing nymphs camouflage themselves with dead prey
© J. Wessels, Queensland Government

Green lacewing eggs
© J. Wessels, Queensland Government
Lacewings are generalist predators of helicoverpa eggs and small soft-bodied insects.
Scientific name
Green lacewing Mallada sp.
Green lacewings (12mm) are slightly larger than brown lacewings (8mm). Adults fly at night and are attracted to light. They have:
- long antennae and prominent eyes
- wings folded over the back in an inverted 'V' shape.
Larvae have sickle-shaped jaws that they drive into soft-bodied insects or eggs before sucking up the contents.
- Brown lacewing larvae are longer and thinner and do not camouflage themselves.
- Green lacewing larvae camouflage themselves by placing corpses of their victims onto their backs. The pupal cocoon is also camouflaged with corpses.
Eggs are laid on the underside of leaves.
- Brown lacewing eggs are cream-coloured. They are attached singly and do not have stalks.
- Green lacewing eggs are white and attached in groups by long, flexible stalks.
May be confused with
Larvae may be confused with carab beetle larvae.
Distribution and habitat
Widespread across Australia.
Impact on pests
Lacewings are a major predator of aphids, consuming up to 60 per hour.
Life cycle and ecology
Both adults and larvae of brown lacewings are predaceous, but only the larvae of green lacewings are predators (the adults feed on nectar and pollen).
Lacewings are most active in warm climates. Cooler temperatures may trigger diapause (hibernation).
Factors that influence effectiveness
Lacewing adults are very sensitive to some pesticides. Refer to the impact of insecticides table in the latest edition of the Cotton Pest Management Guide for more information.
Green lacewings are:
- available for inundative release
- more likely to be active and persist in flowering crops or where nectar is available nearby.
Further information
- Lacewings—Bugs for Bugs
- Lacewing education kit—Bugs for Bugs
- Brown lacewing—
- Green lacewing—