How to obtain a biosecurity certificate from an inspector

If you plan to move plants or plant products and related risk items within Queensland, or out of Queensland to another Australian state or territory, you may need a biosecurity certificate.

Before contacting a biosecurity inspector to obtain the certificate, find out what the legal (quarantine) requirements are for the particular plants, plant products or related items you wish to move. Learn more about the requirements for moving equipment, plant material and soil.

If you do need a certificate, contact us online, by phone or in person to request the services of a Biosecurity Queensland inspector at least 48 hours before you want to move the particular items requiring certification. Failing to contact us within this time frame may result in delays.

Once the inspector has completed the inspection and is satisfied that the requirements for moving the particular plants, plant products or related items have been met, they will issue a biosecurity certificate in the form of a plant health certificate (PHC) and you will be allowed to move the items. The certificate must accompany the items to the destination described on the PHC.

The inspector will also provide you with a completed plant health service record, detailing the services delivered. Biosecurity Queensland provides certification and accreditation services on a fee-for-service basis and we will send you a tax invoice for this inspection service.

Read the schedule of fees and charges for plant biosecurity certification and accreditation services.