Coffee berry borer
Be on the lookout for coffee berry borer.
Report sightings
- Report online
- Call Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23
- Call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881

Fruit cut open to reveal infestation of coffee berry borer
© Queensland Government

Holes (about 1mm in diameter) created by coffee berry borer at the apex of a coffee fruit (berry)
© Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, via

Coffee berries infested by coffee berry borer
© Queensland Government

Adult coffee berry borer
© Pest and Diseases Image Library, via

Entry hole of coffee berry borer, with sawdust-like debris (frass) nearby
© Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, via

Heavy infestation of coffee berry borer
© Queensland Government

Adult coffee berry borers indicated with blue arrows on the bags used for packaging coffee berry
© Queensland Government
Coffee berry borer (CBB), Hypothenemus hampei, is the world's most serious pest of coffee. It affects almost all coffee-producing countries.
CBB causes premature fruit drop, reduced bean weight and poor bean quality. It also increases the likelihood of infection by other pests and pathogens.
CBB is currently not found in Australia.
Scientific name
Coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei ) is in the family of Scolytidae ('bark beetles').
Other names
- Coffee borer
- Coffee drill
- Adults are tiny black beetles.
- Female adults (1.6–1.9mm long) are larger than males (1–1.3mm long).
- Adults have short club shaped antennae. Short stiff hairs cover their bodies.
- High numbers of adults can be present in a single coffee bean.
- Female adults fly but males do not. Females are the only life stage found outside the coffee fruit (berry) in nature.
- Larvae are small white legless grubs with brown heads.
- The first instar is 0.6–0.8mm long; the second (and last) instar can grow to about 2.2mm long.
- Pupae are initially white, turning yellow after 10 days of development.
- Female pupae can grow to about 1.7mm long, males to about 1.2mm.
- Eggs are milky white.
- Eggs are elliptical or ovoid, 0.5–0.8mm long and 0.25–0.35mm wide.
Plant stage and plant parts affected
Female adults can attack coffee fruit (berries) at any stage of development, from immature green to overripe black, eventually boring into the beans (seeds).
Plant damage and symptoms
- Small holes (about 1mm in diameter) at the apex of the fruit (berry) are often visible; these are the entry holes of female adults.
- Sawdust-like debris (frass) may be visible near the hole.
- Most eggs, larvae and adults remain inside the bean, so the bean must be cut to check for infestation.
- Infestation can sometimes cause internal rotting of beans.
May be confused with
CBB is similar in appearance to the coffee bean weevil (Araecerus fasciculatus), which is widespread in Australia and can infest 100 different stored commodities, including coffee beans. CBB is much smaller in size—the coffee bean weevil can reach 3–5mm in body length.
CBB is also similar in appearance to many small bark beetles found in tropical and subtropical areas. Many of these other bark beetles are harmless and do not infest coffee plants.
CBB needs to be identified by an expert. If you suspect you have found CBB, report it online or call Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.
CBB is widespread in most coffee-producing countries across Africa, Asia, Central America and South America.
CBB was discovered in Papua New Guinea in 2017 and was declared endemic in 2020.
It is not currently present in Australia.
- coffee
- coffea arabica (arabica coffee)
- coffea canephora (robusta coffee)
Life cycle
- Mated adult females bore into coffee fruit (berries) from the immature fruit stage up to harvest time.
- The female enters the fruit (berry) and constructs irregular tunnels and galleries in the beans (seeds) to lay eggs in.
- The eggs hatch in the beans (seeds) and develop into larvae that feed on the beans.
- Larvae feed for 10 to 26 days, depending on the conditions, passing through 2 instars as they grow.
- The pupal stage lasts 4 to 9 days, after which the adults emerge.
- Once the adults emerge from the pupae, the females mate with the flightless males within the beans.
- There are usually 10 times as many females as males in each generation.
- Mated females either exit the fruit (berry) to find another berry or stay in the same berry, then lay their eggs, starting the cycle all over again.
- An adult female can be active for 2 to 7 weeks, producing more than 100 eggs.
- There can be 2 to 13 generations per year, depending on environmental conditions.
CBB is the most serious pest of coffee in the majority of coffee-producing countries. It can cause significant crop losses, from 50% to 100%. Economic losses are over US$500 million worldwide.
In Australia, coffee production is currently about 600 tonnes per year, predominantly from the tropical and subtropical areas of Queensland and New South Wales. Infestation could cause impacts similar to those in other countries.
How it is spread
CBB spreads locally over short distances by the females flying to new plants seeking new fruit (berries) to lay their eggs in.
Pathways for spread over longer distances are human-assisted and include:
- movement of unprocessed beans (seeds) in containers or packaging, such as hessian coffee bags
- hitchhiking on or in used bags, equipment, vehicles and clothing.
Monitoring and action
- Inspect coffee plants for signs of infestation, especially fruits (look for small holes at the fruit apex) and seeds.
- Avoid using unsterilised second-hand bags in coffee production, particularly imported hessian coffee bags.
Only import unprocessed coffee beans through legal channels – check the Australian biosecurity import conditions for importation requirements.
Protect your farm from plant pests and diseases:
Legal requirements
Under the Biosecurity Act 2014, everyone in Queensland has a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to report and take action against biosecurity risks.
If you think you have found CBB, you must report it and take all reasonable and practical steps under your control to minimise any associated risks.
- Report online
- Call Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23
- Call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881
Further information
- Find out about restrictions on moving plant material, soil and related equipment in Queensland.
- For import requirements, check the Australian biosecurity import conditions.