Vegetable leafminer
Have you seen vegetable leafminer?
Vegetable leafminer has been detected in a remote community near the tip of Cape York Peninsula and in the Torres Strait Islands.
Movement restrictions from the far northern biosecurity zones (PDF, 333KB) are in place to prevent vegetable leafminer from spreading.
If you suspect you have found vegetable leafminer in Queensland, report it to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or contact the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
Early detection and reporting are key elements in controlling vegetable leafminer.

Adult vegetable leafminer on a leaf
© Ceri Pearce, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Adult vegetable leafminer flies are very small
© Ceri Pearce, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Vegetable leafminer larvae can tunnel and cause squiggly trails in Petunia leaves
© Ceri Pearce, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Vegetable leafminer mines on hydroponic lettuce leaves. Tunnels can contain insect faeces that looks like a blackened stripe in the trails
© Ceri Pearce, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Significant vegetable leafminer damage on hydroponic cucumber leaves
© Ceri Pearce, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae) is the larvae of a fly-like insect that feeds internally on plant tissue, particularly the leaf, causing distinctive mine damage.
It poses a significant threat to Australia's agriculture and nursery industry as it is a highly polyphagous species (feeds on many types of plants) affecting a wide range of common horticultural crops and ornamental plant species.
Vegetable leafminer has been declared a far northern pest. Movement restrictions are in place for the far northern biosecurity zones 1 and 2 (PDF, 333KB), to prevent vegetable leafminer and other far northern pests from spreading.
Vegetable leafminer (Liriomyza sativae) is the larva of small flies belonging to the family Agromyzidae.
The fly larvae tunnel within leaf tissue which is why they are called leafminers.
Other names
- Leaf miner of vegetables.
- Small fly-like insects 1–2mm long.
- Body is yellow and black.
- Maggot-like, living in tunnels in the leaf surface.
- Transparent when they first hatch, gradually becoming yellow-orange as they mature.
- Up to 3mm long.
- Oval, slightly flattened.
- 1.3–2.3 x 0.5–0.75mm.
- Colour variable, pale yellow-orange, darkening to brown.
- Pupation occurs either on the leaf or on the soil beneath the plant.
- Tiny, 0.2–0.3 x 0.1–0.15mm.
- Off-white colour.
- Laid under the leaf surface.
Plant stage and plant parts affected
Host plants of any age and stage of growth can be infested but young plants are most susceptible. Vegetable leafminer mainly affects leaves.
Plant damage
Symptoms from the larvae's tunnelling and feeding are the most obvious sign. The larvae feed within the layers of the leaf, leaving trails or 'mines' of light green to white 'squiggles' which can be seen on the leaf surface. The tunnels gradually get wider as the larvae grow. Insect faeces are also deposited inside the tunnels which sometimes looks like a blackened stripe at the tunnels edge.
Mining activity by the larvae causes loss of healthy leaf tissue, affecting the plant's ability to photosynthesize. Disease-causing fungi and viruses can also be introduced into the plant through feeding puncture wounds made by the adult flies. In severe infestations leaves can wilt and die, causing defoliation.
May be confused with
Similar damage could be caused by other leaf mining insects that are present in Queensland.
Serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza huidobrensis) and American serpentine leafminer (Liriomyza trifolii) also produce highly convoluted (squiggly) leaf mines and have a broad host range.
American serpentine leafminer has the same distribution as vegetable leafminer in the Torres Strait and on the tip of Cape York Peninsula. Serpentine leafminer's current distribution is in New South Wales and South East Queensland.
If you find leafminer damage on a variety of plant species at the same location, you should report it.
Originally from South America, vegetable leafminer has spread across the world into Africa, North and Central America, Asia and the Pacific Islands.
Between 2008 and 2015, vegetable leafminer was detected on a number of islands in the Torres Strait. It was detected on the Australian mainland in a remote community on the tip of Cape York Peninsula in 2015; since that time its known distribution remains unchanged.
Vegetable leafminer can cause significant damage to many types of common horticultural crops and ornamental plant species. These include:
- squash
- okra
- pea
- tomato
- bean
- cabbage
- turnip
- potato
- tobacco
- cotton
- radish
- spinach
- watermelon
- beet
- pepper
- alfalfa
- clover
- vetch
- plantain.
Life cycle
Female flies puncture the leaf surface to feed on sap, laying eggs in some of the puncture wounds. Eggs hatch in 2–5 days depending on temperature, and larvae mine the leaf tissue.
There are 3 larval growth stages (instars). The larvae primarily feed on the plant in which the eggs are laid. The time larvae take to transition into pupae and the pupation period varies depending on the season. Adult flies emerge from the pupae and are most active at sunrise and during the morning. Adult flies mate within 1–2 days of emerging. Several generations may be produced in a year.
Damage caused by vegetable leafminer reduces the growth and development of seedlings and young plants and can lead to plant death. Damage reduces crop yield and marketability, resulting in economic losses to growers.
If this pest were to become established in a horticultural production area, domestic and export market access may be disrupted, and costly additional control measures may be required.
Home gardeners would also be affected.
How it is spread
The greatest risk of pest spread is by people moving infested plant material or soil.
Adult flies may also hitchhike in vehicles, machinery or aircraft. Damage caused by vegetable leafminer reduces the growth and development of seedlings and young plants and can lead to plant death. Damage reduces crop yield and marketability, resulting in economic losses to growers.
If this pest were to become established in a horticultural production area, domestic and export market access may be disrupted, and costly additional control measures may be required.
Home gardeners would also be affected.
The adult flies are not very strong flyers. The flies usually walk quickly over leaves and fly short distances to move between leaves or nearby plants. Strong winds may assist adult flies to fly further afield.
Monitoring and action
Inspect your plants regularly for the presence of leaf mines.
Look for leafminer damage on a variety of plant species or unusual or severe leafminer leaf damage.
If you suspect vegetable leafminer, report it to Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.
Protect your farm from plant pests and diseases:
Explore the outcomes of the Hort Innovation-funded research, development and extension project for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (2017-2020).
Legal requirements
Vegetable leafminer is a declared far northern pest. The far northern biosecurity zones (PDF, 333KB) have been established to prevent the spread of far northern pests.
It is illegal to move:
- a far northern pest such as vegetable leafminer
- far northern pest carriers, such as fruit and vegetables, plants and other plant material, soil or other growing mediums, and appliances or equipment that has come into contact with beehives, mango plants, banana plants or soil or other growing mediums in which mango, banana or sugarcane has been grown
- from far northern biosecurity zone 1 to a place outside of that zone
- from far northern biosecurity zone 2 to a place outside that zone unless it is into far northern biosecurity zone 1.
A biosecurity instrument permit is required to move these items.
You must observe movement restrictions if you are travelling to or around the Cape York Peninsula, or you live there.
For more information about biosecurity instrument permits, phone the Customer Service Centre on 13 25 23 or email
Movement between the Torres Strait and mainland Australia is also controlled under the Commonwealth's Biosecurity Act 2015. Federal legislation specifies that plant material cannot move from the Torres Strait Permanent Biosecurity Monitoring Zone into mainland Australia without a permit.
Your compliance with these regulations will help protect Queensland from vegetable leafminer.