Individual Disaster Stricken Property

Recovery from natural disasters

Find support for agribusiness after flooding and cyclones.

Eligible primary producers can apply for the Individual Disaster Stricken Property (IDSP) declaration if your property isn't in an activation area and you need support after suffering significant damage from a natural disaster.

This means you can access:

Eligible primary producers

An eligible primary producer means you normally spend more than 50% of your labour on, and derive more than 50% of your gross income from, primary production.

Before you begin

You will need:

  • an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • property details—address and property identification code (PIC) or lot on plan number(s)
  • supporting documentation of property damage (like a copy of your completed disaster impact survey submission, photos, written summaries, other documents)
    • documentation file types can include JPEG, PNG, Word, PDF, Excel, PowerPoint
    • the total email size cannot exceed 75MB
  • details of any officers from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) you may have spoken to about the impacts of the disaster.

How to apply

Complete either of these forms:

After you apply

If you submit your IDSP declaration online, you will receive an email record of your application (without the attachments).

Once you submit your application either via online, email or post, we will contact you to talk about your application.

Online IDSP declaration form



Contact us online, by phone or in person.