Indian mongoose
Have you seen Indian mongoose?
Be on the lookout for Indian mongoose and report it to Biosecurity Queensland. Early detection and reporting are the key elements in preventing Indian mongooses from becoming a major problem in Queensland.
Call us on 13 25 23.

Indian mongoose side-on
© Queensland Government

Indian mongoose snarling
© Queensland Government

Indian mongoose upright
© Queensland Government
Native to southern Asia from Saudi Arabia to Malaysia, the Indian mongoose is a small, predatory mammal. Introduced to a number of countries to control rodents in sugarcane crops, it has gone on to establish feral populations in locations including the West Indies, Hawaiian Islands and Suriname.
The Indian mongoose has not been recorded in Australia, but pest risk assessment indicates that it could establish a wild population in Queensland if introduced. Feral populations in other countries have caused the extinction and decline of many native species.
The Indian mongoose is listed as one of the world's 100 worst alien invasive species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To prevent it from establishing in Queensland, restrictions apply to its import, possession and sale.
You must not keep, feed, move, give away, sell or release into the environment. Penalties may apply.
You must report all sightings to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours.
Scientific name
- Ferret-like animal with body 50–70cm long, average weight 300–665g.
- Legs are short.
- Head is elongated, with pointed muzzle and small ears.
- Tail is robust, tapered.
- Feet have 5 toes with retractable claws.
- Fur ranges from pale to dark brown.
- Can inhabit desert, shrublands, grasslands, open forest and coastal areas.
- Sometimes prefers degraded habitats, such as urban and agricultural areas and secondary forest.
- Not yet recorded in Queensland.
Life cycle
- Life expectancy 4 years.
- Sexually mature 4 months (males), 9–10 months (females).
- Can breed 2–3 times each year.
- Average litter size 2–3 young.
Affected animals
- poultry
- native birds
- native animals
- Eats native fauna, particularly birds and small mammals.
- Attacks poultry.
- If you see or are in possession of an Indian mongoose, contact our Customer Service Centre within 24 hours.
Legal requirements
- The Indian mongoose is a prohibited invasive animal under the Biosecurity Act 2014.
- You must not keep, feed, move, give away, sell or release into the environment. Penalties may apply.
- You must not take any action reasonably likely to exacerbate the biosecurity threat posed by the Indian mongoose.
- You must take any action that is reasonably likely to minimise the biosecurity threat posed by the Indian mongoose.
- You must report all sightings to Biosecurity Queensland within 24 hours.