Guidelines and movement orders for keeping bees.
Varroa mite alert
Queensland joins all other Australian states and territories in the transition to management of varroa mite.
Moving bees and hives
Find out how to safely and effectively move bees and bee hives.
Hive registration and branding
Learn more about beekeeper registration and branding, hive identification numbers and cancelling registration.
Managing bee hives
How to manage and maintain bee colonies, queen bees and swarming bees.
Pests and diseases
Identify the pests and diseases that affect bees.
Beekeeping permits for state forests
How to apply for a permit for beekeeping in state native forests and plantation forests in Queensland.
Beekeeping (apiary) permits for national parks, conservation parks and resources reserves
How to apply for a permit for beekeeping in a national park in Queensland.