Fees for commercial fishing authorities

Existing fees and charges did not increase on 1 July 2024 in line with the government's indexation policy.

Commercial and charter fishing operators need to pay:

  • annual fees for licences and quota units
  • one-off fees for applications.

Annual fees

Annual fees are paid in advance for:

  • licences
  • quota units
  • trawl effort units.

We send fees notices to you every 6 months in May and November for the periods:

  • 1 July to 31 December
  • 1 January to 30 June.

You can receive fee notices and pay annual fees electronically through FishNet Secure.

You can also pay fee notices through Australia Post.

Call Fisheries Queensland on 13 25 23 for:

  • advice about paying overdue fees
  • details about specific fees, charges or prices.

Fees for annual quota units and effort units for a trawl region are rounded to 2 decimal places (previously 7 decimal places). The fees include any increments to the previous year after the annual review.

  • Symbol Annual fee
    Gulf Inshore Net (N3) $1,617.61
    East Coast Net (N10) $1,249.74
    Commercial Bait Net (N11) $220.53
    Net Gulf of Carpentaria No. 3 (N12) $25,697.63
    Net Gulf of Carpentaria No. 4 (N13) $14,276.50
    Ocean Beach (K1 to K8) $852.93 per symbol
  • Symbol Annual fee
    Blue Swimmer Crab - East Coast (BC1-ITQ) $3.69 per unit
    Mud Crab - East Coast (EC1-ITQ) $2.58 per unit
    Mud Crab - Gulf (GC1-ITQ) $4.11 per unit
    Queensland Crab (C1) $426.49
    Spanner Crab Symbol (C2) $0.00
    Spanner Crab Quota (C2 units) $1.10 per unit
    Spanner Crab (C3) $426.49
  • Symbol Annual fee
    Queensland Line (L1) $426.49
    Queensland Line (L2) $426.49
    Queensland Line (L3) $426.49
    QFJA Line No. 1 (L4) $1,249.74
    East Coast Multiple Hook (L8) $1,249.74
    Line Quota Symbols (RQ, SM) $0.00
    Coral Trout Quota (CT units) $0.45 per unit
    Red Throat Emperor Quota (RTE units) $0.22 per unit
    Other Species Quota (OS units) $0.22 per unit
    Spanish Mackerel (SM units) $0.22 per unit
  • Symbol Annual fee
    Moreton Bay Restricted (M2) $426.49
    East Coast Trawl Quota Symbol (T1) $0.00
    East Coast Trawl Quota Symbols (T2)$0.00
    East Coast Trawl Quota Symbols (M1)$0.00
    Effort Unit for a Trawl Region $0.45 per unit
    Stout Whiting (T4) $426.49
    T4-ITQ Unit T4 $0.04
    Beam Trawl (T5 to T9) $426.49
  • Symbol Annual fee
    Rock lobster (R-ITQ) $0.45 per unit
    Pearl (P) $426.49
    Beche-de-mer (B1B-ITQ) $0.15 per unit
    Beche-de-mer (B1W-ITQ) $0.15 per unit
    Beche-de-mer (B1O-ITQ) $0.15 per unit
    Trochus (J1-ITQ) $0.15 per unit
    Aquarium fish (A1) $426.49
    Aquarium fish - limited (A2) $139.71
    Eel (E) $139.71
    Juvenile eel (JE) $139.71
    Oyster harvesting (O) $73.52 per area
    Beachworm (W1) $139.71
    Bloodworm (W2) $139.71
    Yabby (Y) $139.71
    Coral harvesting (DO-ITQ) $0.07 per unit
    Coral harvesting (DS-ITQ) $0.07 per unit
    Shell grit harvesting (G) $139.71
    Star sand harvesting (H) $139.71
    Shell (F) $139.71
  • Symbol Annual fee
    East Coast Net and Line (ENL-ITQ) $0.11 per unit

One-off application fees