Bait fisheries
Beachworm fishery
Fishery symbol
- W1: Worm fishery (beachworm)
Operating area
Target species
- Beachworms (family Onuphidae)
Size or take limits
- Beachworms may only be taken within the fishery area stated on the licence.
Bloodworm fishery
Fishery symbol
- W2: Worm fishery (bloodworm)
Operating area
Target species
- Bloodworms (family Eunicidae)
Marine yabby fishery
Fishery symbol
- Y: Yabby fishery
Operating area
Target species
- Marine yabby (Trypaea australiensis)
To operate in the fishery, you need a:
- primary commercial fishing licence with the relevant fishery symbol
- commercial fisher licence for the person in charge of fishing activities.
Reporting and monitoring
Commercial fishers must:
- complete daily logbooks
- keep sale dockets
- comply with state marine park and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning rules.