Shell and sand fisheries
Shell fishery
Fishery symbol
- F: Shell fishery
Operating area
Target species
- Only molluscs for the ornamental shell trade may be taken under this licence.
Size or take limits
- Green snails, oysters, pearl oysters, trochus and scallops cannot be taken.
- Licence conditions limit the number of animals taken annually.
Shell grit fishery
Fishery symbol
- G: Shell grit fishery
Operating area
- Total allowable commercial catch.
- Individual transferrable quota (ITQs) units allocated to each licence.
Star sand fishery
Fishery symbol
- H: Star sand fishery
Operating area
Target species
- Star sand is composed of the calcareous skeletons of unicellular animals known as Foraminifera.
To operate in the fishery, you need a:
- primary commercial fishing licence with the relevant fishery symbol
- commercial fisher licence for the person in charge of fishing activities.
Reporting and monitoring
All commercial fishers must:
- complete daily logbooks
- keep sale dockets
- comply with state marine park and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zoning rules.
Shell grit fishers must also report: