Bigeye bycatch reduction devices
The bigeye bycatch reduction device (BRD) has an opening (horizontal slit) held open with floats and weights, and is located a set distance from the drawstring.
Refer to the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019 for full specifications.
All bigeye BRDs
- The opening must be at the top of the net.
- During trawling the opening has a weighted forward section and a buoyed rear section with at least two 50mm by 90mm floats attached.
- The edges of the opening do not overlap by more than 200mm.
- Do not cover any part of the opening during trawling.
Otter prawn nets
- Distance of opening from drawstring (A in diagram): 66 meshes.
- Minimum width of opening (B in diagram): 350mm.
Beam trawl nets
- Distance of opening from drawstring (A in diagram): 80 meshes.
- Minimum width of opening (B in diagram): 230mm.
Diagram showing a Bigeye bycatch reduction device being used in combination with a turtle excluding device.