Square mesh codend bycatch reduction devices
The square mesh codend bycatch reduction device (BRD) is highly effective in scallop and prawn fisheries.
Refer to the Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019 for full specifications.
All square mesh codends
- Nothing is allowed to cover any of the square meshes during trawling.
Shallow area square mesh codends
- Must have a square mesh panel installed that:
- has a mesh size of at least 45mm
- is at least 300mm wide and 300mm long.
Prawn otter trawl nets
- Minimum length of codend (A in diagram): 50 bars (and 80 bars around).
- Maximum length of normal mesh (B in diagram): 25 meshes.
- Minimum size of square mesh (C in diagram):
- Northern/central area otter trawl prawn nets: 50mm
- Shallow area otter trawl prawn nets: 38mm
- Deepwater net area otter trawl prawn nets: 45mm.
Scallop otter trawl nets
- Minimum length of codend (A in diagram): 33 bars (and 50 bars around).
- Maximum length of normal mesh (B in diagram): 15 meshes.
- Minimum size of square mesh (C in diagram): 88mm.
Beam trawl nets
- Minimum length of codend (A in diagram): 50 bars (and 100 bars around).
- Maximum length of normal mesh (B in diagram): 25 meshes.
- Minimum size of square mesh (C in diagram): 31mm.
Diagram of a square mesh codend, showing maximum length for the codend in relation to the drawstrings of the net. The square mesh codend is being used in combination with a turtle excluder device, which is placed near the opening of the net.