Resource Allocation Authorities

You need a Resource Allocation Authority (RAA) from Fisheries Queensland for certain fisheries development activities:

  • aquaculture in Queensland waters or unallocated tidal land
  • works in a declared fish habitat area.

An RAA is issued for up to 30 years.

Before submitting your application

Contact Fisheries Queensland to discuss your proposed operation and assessment fees.

Email for more information.

Aquaculture in Queensland waters or unallocated tidal land

How to apply:

  1. Read the application instructions to help you prepare your application
  2. Prepare a business plan to submit with your application
  3. Complete the application form.

Marine aquaculture performance bonds

Once your RAA is issued, you must lodge a marine aquaculture performance bond before starting any activities.

A performance bond is a bank guarantee used to recover costs of any maintenance or rehabilitation works that may be required, including removal of abandoned aquaculture infrastructure.

'This requirement applies to all aquaculture RAA holders, except sea ranching operations. Sea ranching doesn't use any structures, and is unlikely to need site maintenance and cleanup.

Read the marine aquaculture performance bonds policy for more information.

Transfer ownership

You can apply to transfer a RAA from one legal entity (e.g. individual or company) to another:

Amend or extend an existing RAA for aquaculture

You can apply to:

  • change the boundaries of an RAA
  • change the conditions of your RAA approval
  • renew or extend the period of a RAA
  • replace an authority.

Complete the application to amend RAA for aquaculture.

Amend an authority at holder's request At reasonable cost but not more than actual cost
Extend or renew an RAA under the Fisheries Act $675.17
Replace an authority $36.84

Development in a declared Fish Habitat Area

Complete the declared Fish Habitat Area RAA application.


Existing fees and charges did not increase on 1 July 2024 in line with the government's indexation policy.

To view all current and past fees, search our fees and refer to the Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019.

Resource allocation authority for aquaculture development

RAA assessment levelCost
Level 1 assessment $675.17
Level 2 assessment $2,079.40
Level 3 assessment $3,985.71
Level 4 assessment $8,143.34
Level 5 assessment $20,272.98

Intensive aquaculture and aquaculture within designated areas

Aquaculture in a regional marine aquaculture plan within designated aquaculture areas $2,079.40
Intensive aquaculture (including feeding) on intertidal or tidal lands (e.g. fish or crustacean culture in sea cages) $20,272.98

Non-intensive aquaculture

No structures on tidal lands less than 50 hectares (e.g. scallop or beche-de-mer ranching) $2,079.40
No structures within an area greater than 50 hectares (e.g. scallop or beche-de-mer ranching) $3,985.71
Structures on tidal or intertidal lands less than 20 hectares (e.g. oyster or pearl culture) $2,079.40
Structures within an area greater than 20 hectares (e.g. oyster or pearl culture) $3,985.71

Resource allocation authority for activity in a declared Fish Habitat Area

Level 1 Activity that: For example:
  • new runnelling works by local government for insect pest control
  • restoration of fish habitats or natural processes (e.g. re-profiling and revegetation of a disturbed site).
Level 2 Area of impact is:
  • a footprint of 50 square metres or less for a new structure
  • or
  • maintenance of an existing facility, where the temporary disturbance footprint is less than 50 square metres larger than the disturbance area allowed in the accepted development requirements.
Level 3 Area of impact is:
  • 50 square metre to 500 square metre footprint where natural bed or bank profiles would be altered (e.g. dredging, beach nourishment, bank revetment, boat ramp) or involve discharge of water (e.g. stormwater outlet, sewerage outlet)
  • or
  • 50 square metre to 1,000 square metre footprint where proposed activities will not alter natural bed or bank profiles or involve discharge of water (e.g. larger jetties and pontoons, bridges, raised boardwalks etc)
  • or
  • 50 square metre – 1,000 square metre footprint for maintenance of an existing facility, where the temporary disturbance footprint is larger than the disturbance area allowed in the accepted development requirements.
Level 4 Anticipated impacts are of a major nature where the footprint is greater than that described for Level 3 activities. $8,143.34

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