Commercial fisher licence
You will need a commercial fisher licence if you are in charge of commercial fishing activities in Queensland-managed commercial fisheries.
This is required whether you own the commercial fishing boat or are operating another person's commercial fishing boat.
The commercial fisher licence allows you to:
- use authorised equipment to commercially take fish species under fishery symbols appearing on a primary commercial fishing licence
- supervise crew members assisting you with those fishing activities.
Any person driving a boat (whether the commercial fisher licence holder or a crew member) must also comply with domestic commercial vessel manning or operating requirements.
A commercial fisher licence is issued to an individual person (a company, business or joint authority cannot hold one). You cannot transfer this licence to another person.
Apply for a new licence
- Complete the commercial fisher licence application.
- Pay a pro-rata amount of the relevant annual fees for the 6-month period in which you apply.
- Finalise any outstanding fees from a previous licence of this type (e.g. it may have been cancelled for non-payment of fees).