Apply for the food and beverage supplier directory

The Queensland Government Food and Beverage Supplier Directory lists suppliers and caterers with a physical presence in Queensland, who employ Queenslanders and supply food and beverages that are either grown, made or produced in Queensland.

Queensland Government buyers and organisations acting on their behalf will be encouraged to use the directory when purchasing food and beverages.

Suppliers should note that the terms and conditions of the directory have been updated to reflect new policy requirements related to animal welfare under the Queensland Procurement Policy.

Who can apply

You can apply online to be listed on the directory if:

  • your food and beverage business has a physical presence in Queensland
  • you have employees who live in Queensland.
  • in the event you are a 'person in charge' of animals (as defined in the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001) used to produce food and beverages provided to the Queensland Government, you warrant compliance with the Act and regulations, related codes, standards, and guidelines as a minimum.

You must supply goods which meet at least 1 of the following criteria:

  • grown in Queensland – all the ingredients are grown in Queensland
  • made in Queensland – the goods undergo their last substantial transformation in Queensland
  • produced in Queensland – all ingredients were grown or otherwise obtained in Queensland and all (or virtually all) of its processing occurred in Queensland.

Read more about Queensland grown, made and produced food and beverages – definitions and examples.

What you will need

You will need to include your business's:

  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • legal business name or trading name
  • preferred contact person
  • address – you can add up to 10 locations
  • email and contact phone number
  • website address (if applicable)
  • social media account links (if applicable)
  • image representing your business or products
  • short bio describing your business (max. 1,000 characters).

How to apply

Complete the online form to apply, using a compatible browser or device.

The application form takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.


We recommend using a modern browser, for example Google Chrome to view and search.

After you apply

Your application will be assessed by the Food and Beverage Advisory Group, comprised of industry experts. You will then be notified of the outcome.

Approved businesses will be listed on the directory.

Updating your details

Log in to update your registration details.

You must update your account immediately if any information is:

  • incomplete
  • inaccurate
  • out of date
  • misleading in any way.

Contact us
