Support for artisan food and beverage producers

Access a wide range of initiatives and information to support Queensland artisan food and beverage producers to increase productivity, competitiveness and innovation.

Food and beverage directory and associations

Licences and regulations

Food and beverage safety standards

  • Access The Food Pantry for information about food safety for Queensland businesses and consumers, including:
    • food labelling, including information requirements and tools
    • food safety and hygiene, and risk mitigation actions you can take
    • food safety programs, training and teaching resources.
  • Learn about food and beverage safety and compliance in Queensland.
  • Visit Safe Food Queensland for information on food safety regulatory requirements for primary production and processing businesses.

Food and beverage innovation and trials

Support for food innovation and food product testing include:

  • Food Pilot Plant (Health and Food Sciences Precinct, Coopers Plains, Brisbane) – researchers and scientists can assist with testing food products from idea stage through to commercial production ready stage. A service fee may apply.
  • FNQ Food Incubator – assists artisan producers in Far North Queensland to develop and create new recipes, processes and tastes, and convert ideas into commercial products.
  • Queensland BrewLab – offers access to equipment and services to develop and test new recipes.

Mentoring and networking

  • Mentoring for Growth (M4G) program can match eligible businesses to volunteer business experts with artisan food and beverage industry experience for insights, advice and assistance. Register for M4G.
  • Small Business Solutions mentoring program gives small business owners access to skilled government-subsidised business mentors and workshops.
  • WiRE program (Women in Rural, Regional and Remote Enterprises) delivers a series of online small business programs, funded by the Queensland Government, including free virtual workshops and webinars, and a showcase video series.

Grants, business support and initiatives


It may take specialist skills and knowledge to produce artisan food and beverages. Find food and beverage qualifications or units of competency to suit your needs and interests on


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