Managing gambling exclusions checklist

This checklist is relevant to all gaming machine, wagering and Keno providers (but not casinos).

The checklist is a guide only and doesn't include everything you need to know or do about gambling exclusions. It's based on the reasonable steps (including the 'foundation' and 'additional' measures) in Gaming guideline G16—Preventing excluded persons entering or remaining on licensed premises.

When to complete the checklist

Completing and submitting the checklist is voluntary, unless you're notifying us of a breach.

Checking your processes meet best practice (voluntary)

We encourage all gambling providers to complete it to:

  • assess whether you and your staff are taking reasonable steps to identify and prevent excluded patrons from entering, or remaining in, your venue or gambling areas
  • ensure you're following best practice in managing gambling exclusions.

You can also submit it to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) to keep on file.

When you've identified a breach (mandatory)

If you identify a breach of a gambling exclusion you must report it to OLGR using the Notice of contravention of self-exclusion order or exclusion direction form (form 3H).

If you identified the excluded patron 30 minutes or more after entering the exclusion area, you must also complete the checklist.

The checklist is included on this page and attached to form 3H—you can use either this online version or the version attached to the form.

How often the checklist should be completed

The checklist only needs to be completed once in any 12-month period. This means, if you voluntarily complete it now, you won’t need to complete it again (within a 12-month period), including when you identify a breach.

How to submit it to OLGR

Submit your completed checklist by:

You can print a completed checklist after you've filled it out or, if you want to fill it out by hand, print it now before you start. You can also use this function to save the completed checklist as a PDF file to attach to an email.

Foundation measures

Exclusion register




Patron accounts

Advertising and promotions

Ongoing monitoring

IT systems in clubs

You only need to complete this section if your venue is a licensed club.

Additional best practice measures

We recommend these measures be adopted by venues with a high risk of gambling harm or the resources to implement them.

Incorporating technology

OLGR is reviewing the use of facial recognition technology in response to recent findings about a breach of privacy associated with the technology. In the interim, we encourage you to use other methods—e.g. viewing photos and scanning CCTV—to identify excluded patrons and monitor your patrons' wellbeing.