Gambling harm minimisation
Gambling harm consultations now open
We are looking for people who have been negatively impacted by gambling (either through their own gambling or someone else's) to share their knowledge and lived experience in a gambling harm consultation.
Participating in consultations could positively impact the lives of others experiencing gambling harm and will help us ensure policies, initiatives or changes we develop meet people's needs.
For more information about the consultations read the frequently asked questions.
Read the Gambling harm minimisation plan for Queensland 2021–25, which is a shared plan of action for government, industry and the community to reduce harm from gambling and support individuals who may be struggling with gambling-related issues.
Gambling providers have a responsibility under the Queensland responsible gambling code of practice and relevant legislation to provide customers with information on how to get help if they're experiencing gambling-related harm.
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) works closely with Queensland's gambling industry and gambling help services to develop campaigns that focus on:
- early intervention and prevention
- consumer protection
- help services for people experiencing gambling harm.
Watch the responsible service of gambling videos to see how some licensees are meeting their responsibilities to reduce gambling-related harm. The videos feature interviews with gaming staff from venues with high standards of responsible service.
Gambling Harm Awareness Week
Queensland's Gambling Harm Awareness Week (GHAW) was held in July 2024.
GHAW is an annual initiative to increase awareness of gambling harm, safer gambling practices and help that's available to people negatively affected by gambling.
This year's event focused on the role of friends, loved ones and colleagues in helping people experiencing gambling harm along with the impact that a loved one's gambling can have on them and the support available.
Gambling harm awareness campaigns and materials
Learn about our previous gambling harm awareness campaigns.
The Queensland Government partnered with the Brisbane Heat for the 'Forget the bet. Enjoy the game.' sports betting campaign, which aims to help people, particularly young sports fans:
- understand the facts about sports betting and realise it can lead to serious issues
- learn about the risks and how to spot the signs that betting might be getting out of control
- develop safer gambling strategies and behaviours
- talk with others about the risks of harm from sports betting
- get ideas for ways to stay in control of their betting
- find support if they think they're at risk of gambling harm.
Download and use these campaign resources, including a social media tile, newsletter image and A3 poster, to spread the 'Forget the bet. Enjoy the game.' message.
Gambling providers across Queensland support the 'When gambling took over…' campaign.
This campaign targets gamblers experiencing gambling harm and their families, friends and colleagues. It aims to:
- raise awareness of the signs of gambling harm
- reduce stigma through storytelling
- encourage gamblers to seek help.
The people featured in the campaign—Allen, Louise and David—appear in videos, telling their real life stories of gambling harm, including how they made the decision to seek help and how this decision changed their lives.
The campaign directs people to the Gambling Help Queensland website to watch these stories and get support for at-risk gamblers, their friends and family members.
To help educate your customers about the risks of gambling harm:
- display 'When gambling took over…' signs in your venue
- order free resources online
- share social media content with your networks.
The 'Let's start yarning about gambling' campaign aims to raise awareness about gambling harm among young people and adults in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Research shows First Nations communities experience higher rates of gambling harm and lower rates of help-seeking than non-First Nations populations.
The campaign's goals are to start a conversation about safe and unsafe gambling behaviours, reduce stigma, and encourage people to seek help.
Download and use these campaign resources, including tips and ideas on how to prevent gambling harm.
Signage and other printed materials
Gambling providers can meet their compliance obligations by downloading and displaying free posters and LCD screen graphics in their premises.
You can also:
- order free printed materials to be mailed to you
- contact your local gambling help service for copies of the posters.
Translated gambling help brochures
Queensland's culturally and linguistically diverse communities can download or order a free gambling help brochure—Give your gambling a health check—if they're seeking help for themselves or their friends and relatives. Gambling venues can also make these brochures available to their patrons.
The free brochure is published in these languages:
- English
- Arabic
- Chinese (simplified)
- Chinese (traditional)
- Japanese
- Korean
- Vietnamese
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Punjabi
- Filipino.
Order a translated brochure to be mailed to you for free.
Support services
Anyone who's worried about their own gambling, or someone else's, or is experiencing gambling harm can:
- contact the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858
- seek counselling assistance
- explore self-help options
- find out about self-excluding from gambling venues.
Gambling research
Gambling research helps us:
- understand the issues affecting your patrons and local community
- develop practices that minimise gambling harm in and around your venue.
Our gambling harm awareness campaigns are informed by gambling research.
The Queensland Gambling Survey 2023 measures gambling participation and the amount of gambling harm in the community. Learn more by viewing the:
You can also view the October 2024 snapshot highlighting a topic from the Queensland Gambling Survey.
Also consider...
- Take the Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) refresher courses.
- Find out about other compliance signage and other materials for gambling providers.
- Learn about our liquor harm minimisation campaigns.
- Read our Liquor and gambling regulation strategy and Proactive compliance plan.