Subsidiary on-premises (meals) compliance checklist

This checklist is for licensed venues whose principal activity is the provision of meals prepared, and served to be eaten, on the licensed premises.

When completing this checklist, refer to the Liquor Act 1992 and the Liquor Regulation 2002 for more information.

Note: This checklist is not exhaustive. As a licensee you are responsible to ensure you are compliant with the liquor laws.

Before printing this checklist, ensure you have opened all the sections you need to be included in your printed document.

  • For the trading day, did most of the patrons consume a meal on the premises?

    Section 67A(3)(a) of the Liquor Act 1992

    Were the meals eaten by people sitting at a table, or another fixed structure used as a table?
    Was cutlery provided to each person served a meal?
    Were all meals served to patrons of sufficient substance to be ordinarily accepted as a meal?
    In the preparation of each meal, was value added to the food comprising the meal? For example a person does not add value to food if they simply heat a pre-packaged pie or other item before serving it.

    Section 10A of the Liquor Act 1992

    Throughout the trading day, was most of the area of the licensed venue set up with tables and chairs, or another combination of seating and surfaces, ready for patrons to use for consuming meals?

    Section 67A(3)(b) of the Liquor Act 1992

    Throughout the trading day, other than for a period of up to 1 hour before the end of a trading period, was there a kitchen open in the licensed premises?

    67A(3)(c) of the Liquor Act 1992

    Throughout the trading day, were there sufficient staff at the licensed venue, engaged in, or available to engage in, the preparation and service of meals?

    Section 67A(3)(d) of the Liquor Regulation 2002

  • Have all licence conditions documented on the licence for the premises been complied with? Section 226 of the Liquor Act 1992

  • Is a true and up-to-date record being made of the sale and supply of liquor by, or on behalf of, the licensee, including the amount and type of liquor sold and the sale price for each type?

    Section 217(1)(b) of the Liquor Act 1992 and section 27(1)(a) of the Liquor Regulation 2002

    Is a record being kept of every meal consumed at the venue, including the details of the meal, the date and time the meal is ordered, and the sale price of the meal?

    Section 27(1)(b) of the Liquor Regulation 2002

    Are records being kept of wages, or other payments, to workers involved in sale of liquor, and in the preparation, serving or sale of meals?

    Section 27(1)(c) of the Liquor Regulation 2002

    For each financial year, have records been kept of the totals of beverage and food sales, and the costs of the sales, including, for example, purchases and wages?

    Section 27(2) of the Liquor Regulation 2002

    Have accounting records been established that correctly explain the transactions and financial position of the business?

    Section 217(3) of the Liquor Act 1992

    Have all the above records been made in English?
    Are all the above records kept at the licensed premises, or other place approved by the Commissioner, for a period of 6 years?

    Section 217(2)(c) and (4) of the Liquor Act 1992

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