Under 18 and false ID signage for licensed venues

Download and display signage to show your patrons what laws apply regarding under-age people, identification, and supplying alcohol to minors at your licensed venue.

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Under 18?

Fines apply if you drink alcohol at this venue:
You: $4,032
Staff: $12,904
Management: $40,325

We can't afford that. Can you?

Under 18 fines apply if you drink alcohol:

Under 18? You can't enter this area unless supervised by a responsible adult.

Under 18 can't enter without adult supervision:

Buying for under 18s?

Irresponsibly supplying alcohol to under 18s is illegal and fines apply. $12,904

It could be the most expensive drink you'll ever buy.

To understand the law, and find out more about under 18s and alcohol, visit qld.gov.au/mostexpensivedrink

Most expensive drink poster

Buying for under 18s?

It could be the most expensive drink you'll ever buy.

Irresponsible supply is illegal. Fines of up to $12,904 apply.


Most expensive drink (LCD screen)
Under 18? You are not allowed beyond this point.

Under 18 not allowed beyond this point:

Using a fake or false ID? You could be fined $483 on-the-spot. Can you afford that?

Using a fake ID:

Under 18? Using a mate's ID? On-the-spot fine of $483 applies.

Under 18 and using a mate's ID:

Changed your date of birth on your ID card? On-the-spot fine of $645 applies.

Changed your DOB on your ID:

Letting a mate use your ID? On-the-spot fine of $806 applies.

Letting a mate use your ID:

On entry, club members and reciprocal members must produce membership cards and visitors need to sign in.

On entry produce membership card or sign in (clubs):

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