Checking digital identification (ID) for all patrons

Licensed venue staff must check digital identification (ID) is valid, just as they would if they were checking hard copy ID.

Acceptable forms of digital ID

Many acceptable forms of ID are now available in a digital version. These include:

How to check digital ID

When checking digital ID, you should:

  • compare the photo with the person presenting the ID
  • check that the date of birth confirms the person is over 18—some forms of ID can be issued to minors
  • identify the security features of the ID—all digital IDs have in-built security features—and use the appropriate verification techniques.

Licensees should ensure all staff are trained in how to check a Queensland digital ID.

Visual features for verifying digital IDs

Queensland's digital licence app has visual features to help you identify that it's current and genuine. Some features to look for are:

  • the Queensland Government crest behind the information is pulsing
  • the information was refreshed online date is current—this date refreshes each time the app is opened or the home screen is pulled down
  • the patron can scroll up and down to show their credentials.

Read more about verifying a patron's Queensland digital driver licence.

Other digital IDs have similar features. For example:

  • South Australia's digital driver licence has a 'shake-to-animate' feature that will animate the screen and display the time and date to show that it's not a screenshot.
  • Australia Post's Keypass in Digital iD™ has a reanimation feature on the front screen as well as a QR code that refreshes every 5 seconds.

Using the Queensland verifier app to check someone's ID

You can also download a Queensland Digital Licence Verifier app for free from the Apple and Google Play app stores. The verifier app will allow you to validate patrons' information by scanning their digital licence's QR code.

This is not mandatory, but it will help you check their digital licence is valid if you have concerns.

Watch the how-to videos on the Queensland Digital Licence app website for information on how to download and use the verifier app.

Scanning digital ID

While ID scanners may be able to validate some digital ID as genuine, you should always verify a person's digital ID before using the ID scanner. The ID scanner's main function is to check the patron's ID against the banned list.

Check the information on each website to find out how to verify the different forms of digital ID. Learn how to check a:

Refer to the support material provided with your ID scanner or contact your approved operator to find out which digital ID is supported.

If a digital ID scan fails, the scanner will alert you. You will need to scrutinise the ID further.

Do not manually enter the person's details into the ID scanner as it may be a sign the ID is not genuine.

If you have any doubt about the authenticity of an ID, you should always refuse entry to your venue.

If a minor is found on your premises with fake ID, you may be at risk of not meeting the due diligence requirements of your licence. Licensees and staff can be fined up to $16,130 if a non-exempt minor is found on the licensed premises.

What to do if you suspect a digital ID is false

If you're presented with a digital ID that you suspect is fake or doesn't belong to the person, complete a confiscation report and submit it to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation.

You must not confiscate the phone or device (unlike hard copy ID) even if it displays a digital ID that you're concerned about. The Liquor Act 1992 doesn't allow, or require, a licensee to do that.

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