Failure or malfunction of a networked ID scanner
If your networked identification (ID) scanner malfunctions or breaks down, you still cannot allow a patron to enter the premises unless their ID has been checked and you have confirmed they're not banned from entering the premises.
If the system fails, or there's an incident involving the ID scanner, take these actions.
You must check each patron's photo ID against a current physical list of banned patrons (i.e. the 'manual ban list') before allowing them entry after 10pm. The approved operator must give you the manual ban list.
We strongly recommend you ask your approved operator for the manual ban list before a malfunction happens. Each manual ban list is current for 7 days.
Take note of your privacy obligations in handling and storing the personal information contained in the manual ban list.
Read about what to do if you identify a banned patron.
Immediately notify your approved operator of a system failure or malfunction in writing so they can arrange a technician to fix it.
If an incident occurs that impacts the security or performance of your ID scanning system—even if it doesn't result in a system failure—you must notify the approved operator as soon as possible. For example, you must notify the approved operator if:
- a drink is spilt on the ID scanner
- the ID scanner is dropped
- you've experienced physical interference or suspected unauthorised access to the scanner or system.
You need to notify the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) if you can't scan a patron's ID during regulated hours and you've used a manual ban list to allow patrons entry to your premises.
To notify OLGR, log in to the OLGR Client Portal and complete the System failure—Licensee form.
You must notify OLGR within 48 hours from the first time you allowed a patron entry during the system failure.
OLGR will share your notification with the Queensland Police Service (QPS), so you won't need to also notify the QPS.
If your networked ID scanning system fails outside regulated hours, or you don't let patrons enter during the failure, you don't need to report this to OLGR as the failure won't have affected your requirement to scan each patron's ID.
If you've identified a banned patron using the manual list, OLGR will need to know the:
- date and time of the detection
- personID (this is located on the manual ban list)
- nicheID (this is located on the manual ban list)
- premises' name.
Repair and maintenance of networked ID scanners
Repair and maintenance of networked ID scanners and ID scanning systems must be coordinated by an approved operator.
Approved operators must provide 24-hour phone support for regulated premises. This includes escalating issues to appropriately qualified technicians in the event of system failures or malfunctions.
Also consider...
- Download and display the Scan in for a safe night out LCD screen graphic on your screens.
- Print and display the Scan in for a safe night out poster.
- Read the Liquor Act 1992 and Security Providers Act 1993.