Adult entertainment permits
If you want to provide sexually explicit entertainment at a licensed premises in Queensland, you must apply for an adult entertainment permit.
Adult entertainment permit holders are responsible for the way adult entertainment is conducted and can be prosecuted for breaching their permit conditions.
A permit can be issued for a one-off occasion (no more than 6 times a year) or for up to 3 years. It's not transferrable or renewable, so you'll need to apply for a new permit well before it expires.
Entertainment that requires a permit
Adult entertainment is defined as entertainment where the anus, vulva, vagina, penis or scrotum of any performer or staff member is visible, either deliberately or by accident.
Examples of activities that require your premises to hold an adult entertainment permit include:
- striptease
- exotic nude dancing
- nude waitering.
Generally, you won't need a permit for:
- topless barmaids
- G-string promotions or ticket sellers (when clothing provides total covering).
Even when a performer is wearing some clothing, a permit may still be required. For example, if clothing is transparent or doesn't hide their genitals, you'll need a permit.
Supervision of adult entertainment
Adult entertainment permits require an approved controller to be present where and when adult entertainment is being performed. An approved controller is required in every area of the premises where adult entertainment is provided. This ensures the entertainment is properly supervised and complies with the Code.
If a permit holder or approved controller fails to adequately supervise adult entertainment in accordance with the provisions of the Liquor Act 1992, the Code and the conditions of the permit, they can be penalised up to $16,130 (100 penalty units). The penalty amount changes on 1 July each year. This amount is $80,650 for a licensee company.
An approved controller can't conduct other duties—like serving drinks, screening patrons or taking money—while supervising adult entertainment.
Apply for approved controller approval through the LGFT online portal. Find out more about the approved controller application process.
Council consent to apply for a permit
You'll need consent from your local council to apply for a new adult entertainment permit, including permits for new premises. Evidence of town planning approval for the premises is not considered consent for adult entertainment.
You don't need local council approval if you already hold a current permit and are applying for the next permit (unless there's been more than 30 days break between permits).
Advertising a permit application
You'll need to display signage about your adult entertainment permit application on the street frontage of your premises for 28 days. The signage will notify the local community about your application and give them the opportunity to comment or object.
Advertising is at your own expense.
Your application will also be placed on Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation's (OLGR) public register.
Read more about advertising requirements for liquor licences and adult entertainment permits.
Objecting to a permit application
Objecting to an adult entertainment permit application follows the same process as objecting to a liquor licence application.
OLGR will consider comments and objections from the community, local government, police or the Minister as part of our assessment process.
Read decision notices for adult entertainment and liquor licence applications.
Breaching an adult entertainment permit
We encourage you to seek legal advice if you intend to provide adult entertainment.
If you breach the Code, your permit conditions or the Liquor Act, your permit may be suspended or cancelled.
Penalties for not having an adult entertainment permit
You can be fined up to $32,260 (200 penalty units) for conducting adult entertainment without a permit. This penalty amount changes on 1 July each year.
Trading hours for adult entertainment
You can request permission to have adult entertainment 24 hours a day.
Otherwise, you're authorised to provide adult entertainment after liquor licence trading hours have ended, as long as no alcohol is being served or consumed.
Adult entertainment is not permitted on Good Friday or Christmas Day. It should stop at midnight the night before.