Building a resilient tourism business

To build a resilient tourism business, you need to understand potential risks and create practical plans to handle them.

Business continuity

Start by creating a business continuity plan. This plan helps your business bounce back quickly after an incident. While you can't predict every possible threat, you can prepare for various situations.

Natural disasters

Prepare your business for natural disasters using our checklists for cyclones, storm surges, bushfires, droughts, and floods. After a natural disaster, contacting your insurance provider, cleaning up safely, and assessing the impact on your business are essential.

Risk management

The Australian Tourism Industry Council's Don't risk it manual, case studies and checklists are designed for all tourism businesses looking to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis. It includes preparation and recovery checklists and plans for risk management, crisis communication and business recovery.

Read more about risk management including incident response and business continuity planning, surviving economic downturns, and avoiding scams.

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