Crisis scenario responses and messages for tourism organisations

Advice to assist regional tourism organisations and local tourism organisations to prepare, respond and recover from potential crises and disasters.

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Natural disaster response for tourism organisations

Learn how tourism operators can prepare for, respond to, and communicate during natural disasters.

Prepare your tourism and hospitality business for disasters

Use these resources to help you prevent, prepare, respond and recover from a disaster or emergency.

Major health event response for tourism organisations

Prepare for and navigate a health crisis efficiently in the tourism sector.

Prepare your tourism and hospitality business for reputation incidents

Use this information to help your tourism or hospitality business prepare for a reputation incident, including how to respond, recover and communicate.

IT threat response for tourism organisations

Reduce the impact of IT threats like cyber-attacks and data breaches on tourism operations and visitors.

Drought and heatwave response for tourism organisations

Manage droughts and heatwaves effectively, ensuring visitor safety.

Reef-related crisis response for tourism organisations

Respond to reef related crises including coral bleaching to oil spills and cyclone damage.

Major transport incident response for tourism organisations

Respond to and reduce the impacts of major transport incidents for tourism for your tourism business and visitors.