Nature-based tourism and ecotourism in Queensland

Queensland is one of the most naturally diverse places in the world, with a rich cultural heritage. Home to 5 of Australia's 20 World Heritage Areas and over 1,300 national parks, marine parks, state forests and other protected areas, nature-based tourism including ecotourism play an important role in the state's tourism sector.

Visiting national parks is one of the most popular activities for domestic and international visitors to Queensland. These visitors bring major benefits to the economy by using the services of local tourism operators and by staying longer in regional communities. Research shows that Queensland national parks attract more than 5 million visits from domestic travellers each year.

Read about business opportunities in nature-based tourism and ecotourism.

Ecotourism organisations

You can learn about support and certification for ecotourism businesses from Ecotourism Australia. All businesses with the ECO Certified logo have been assessed and audited under Ecotourism Australia's world-class certification program.

You can also find ecotourism businesses operating near you on the Queensland Holidays website.

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