Advantages of bringing renewable energy supply chain business to Queensland

There are many advantages to bringing your renewable energy supply chain business to Queensland, including access to natural resources, supply networks, a strong manufacturing industry and a range of government support programs. Queensland is investing heavily in renewable energy, read the whole story on why Queensland is ready for investment.

Research and development capabilities

Queensland has a number of world-class research and development institutes and initiatives that focus on the development of the renewable energy sector. These include the:

  • Centre for Organic Photonics and Electronics (University of Queensland)
  • Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (University of Queensland)
  • Nanomaterials Centre (University of Queensland)
  • National Battery Testing Centre (Queensland University of Technology)
  • Queensland Microtechnology Facility (Griffith University)

Learn more about innovation, research and development in Queensland.

Strong manufacturing industry

Queensland has competitive advantages in high-technology advanced manufacturing sectors, as well as strengths in traditional manufacturing sectors that can support renewable supply chains (e.g. metal fabrication).

Support for renewable energy projects in Queensland is provided by our world-class manufacturing sector. This is available across the supply chain, from research and development and piloting to energy generation and advanced renewable energy component manufacturing.

Queensland's manufacturing industry also has strong capabilities in:

  • engineering
  • machinery
  • equipment
  • mineral and metal product manufacturing
  • silica refining
  • silica refining, processing and polysilicon/silicon manufacturing.

Learn more about Queensland manufacturing strategies and assistance programs.


Queensland enjoys around 263 days of sunshine each year and an average of 12 hours of sunshine each day. In winter, Queensland averages 10.5 hours of sunshine per day, increasing to 13.5 hours per day in summer.

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