Manufacturing Sustainability Benchmark Program

The Manufacturing Sustainability Benchmark program provides you with an opportunity to evaluate your business’s sustainability practices and benchmark them against industry best practice. The process uses numerical and subjective (opinions and assessments) data to provide you with a reliable measure for your performance and improvement.

The Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development authorised The Ecoefficiency Group (TEG) to supply benchmarking assessments that focus on:

  • energy and water utilisation
  • waste management
  • scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions.

Benefits of benchmarking

The benefits of getting a sustainability benchmark assessment include:

  • understanding your environmental footprint
  • identifying actions to reduce the footprint
  • comparing yourself against industry best practices
  • developing action plans for operational efficiencies and potential cost savings
  • receiving 12 months of ongoing support to implement actions and track the results
  • identifying the potential value-add opportunities by tapping into new markets or remaining relevant in existing markets
  • comparing yourself against industry best practices.

Eligibility criteria

To qualify for the program, your manufacturing business must:

  • be registered for GST and hold an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • maintain a manufacturing enterprise in Queensland with at least 5 full-time equivalent employees and conduct the majority of manufacturing activities within the state.
  • not be tax exempt or undergoing insolvency or facing criminal prosecution.

How to participate

If your manufacturing business meets the eligibility criteria and is ready to participate, complete our expression of interest form. This should take about 10 minutes.

We will contact you to confirm your participation within 2 weeks of receipt of your expression of interest.

What the assessment includes

The sustainability benchmark assessment includes a:

  • self-paced assessment
  • onsite visit from the supplier (travel costs are covered by us)
  • benchmark of your business’s resource use, waste and carbon emissions
  • comprehensive report (includes opportunities to reduce costs and your environmental footprint)
  • 12 month access to the Green KPI software to implement your sustainability action plan and measure your performance
  • quarterly check in meetings (virtual) with the supplier.


We subsidise over half of the costs to conduct the benchmark.

The costs for eligible businesses are:

  • $1,998 for up to and including 100 employees
  • $2,518 for more than 100 employees.

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For more information

Contact us at if you want to know more.