Fuel seller registration and exemptions

It is a legal requirement for all fuel sellers to register their business information with Queensland Treasury.

Register as a fuel seller

If you are a fuel seller and have not previously submitted fuel sales reports, or accessed the Queensland fuel sellers' portal, email biofuels@epw.qld.gov.au to register and receive an invitation. You will need to provide the following:

  • full name
  • entity name
  • ABN
  • contact phone number
  • email address.

Changes to a fuel seller's registration information

It is a legislative requirement for fuel sellers to update their business information within 1 month of any changes.

You can update your registration information through the fuel sellers' portal.

Apply for exemption from the mandate

Fuel sellers that are required to sell the minimum amounts of sustainable biofuel in petrol or diesel are able to apply for an exemption from the requirements under certain circumstances. The grounds for exemption are:

  • shortage of supply of sustainable biobased fuel
  • complying with the requirement would threaten the viability of the fuel seller's business
  • other extraordinary circumstances.

The Biofuels exemption guideline (PDF, 564KB) assists fuel sellers to understand how exemptions will be applied. The guideline neither limits nor expands the range of circumstances which may justify the grant of an exemption under section 35G of the Liquid Fuel Supply Act 1984. This guideline provides information on the approach that will generally be taken in relation to exemption applications. Each exemption application will be considered individually on its own facts and circumstances.

Application timing

We request that exemption applications for sellers who own or operate up to 20 sites be submitted at least 8 weeks (preferably longer) before the commencement of the quarter for which the exemption is sought (e.g. if you are seeking an exemption for the October to December quarter, you should apply by the beginning of August). Longer lead times are preferred. This will give applicants greater opportunity to respond to any necessary requests for additional information.

For fuel sellers who own or operate more than 20 sites, we request that exemption applications be submitted at least 10 weeks before the commencement of the quarter for which the exemption is sought.

Apply for an exemption

After reading the Biofuels exemption guideline, if you would like to apply for an exemption from the Act phone 13 43 87 or email biofuels@epw.qld.gov.au for further information or to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting.