Minimum service standards reporting

From 1 July 2014, as part of ongoing reforms to the Queensland electricity sector, the minimum service standards (MSS) of electricity distributors and the requirement for them to report their quarterly and annual performances against the MSS were incorporated into the distribution authorities issued to them by the Regulator under the Electricity Act 1994.

Prior to this date, the MSS and reporting requirements had been contained within the Electricity Industry Code and the reports were published online by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA).

There are currently 2 Queensland distribution entities:

  • Energex Limited (Energex) in South East Queensland
  • Ergon Energy Corporation Limited (Ergon Energy) in regional Queensland.

Read the distribution authorities of Energex and Ergon Energy.

The MSS annual reports of Energex and Ergon Energy can be accessed below.


Minimum service standards (MSS)

MSS requirements set limits for each financial year in relation to the frequency and duration of interruptions to distribution network services in Queensland.

An interruption includes any temporary unavailability of electricity supply to a customer associated with an outage of the electricity supply network, but excludes the impacts of certain events (such as severe weather events).

Energex's MSS limits are specified in its distribution authority. Energex must aim to achieve a higher level of performance than the set limits.


Reliability performance is expressed using the following measures:

  • System average interruption duration index (SAIDI) is the sum of the duration of each interruption (measured in minutes), divided by the total number of customers (averaged over the financial year).
  • System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) is the total number of interruptions, divided by the total number of customers (averaged over the financial year).

Energex's SAIDI and SAIFI performance is measured and reported based on the broad feeder categories of CBD, urban and short rural feeders. The MSS limits differ between feeder types reflecting the performance that should reasonably be achieved on each type.

Energex SAIDI limits (minutes per customer)

Feeder type2019–202020–212021–222022–232023–242024–25
CBD 15 15 15 15 15 15
Urban 106 106 106 106 106 106
Short rural 218 218 218 218 218 218

Energex SAIFI limits (interruptions per customer)

Feeder type2019–202020–212021–222022–232023–242024–25
CBD 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Urban 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26
Short rural 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46 2.46

Ergon Energy

Minimum service standards (MSS)

MSS requirements set limits for each financial year in relation to the frequency and duration of interruptions to distribution network services in Queensland.

An interruption includes any temporary unavailability of electricity supply to a customer associated with an outage of the electricity supply network, but excludes the impacts of certain events (such as severe weather events).

Ergon Energy's MSS limits are specified in its distribution authority. Ergon Energy must aim to achieve a higher level of performance than the set limits.


Reliability performance is expressed using the following measures:

  • System average interruption duration index (SAIDI) is the sum of the duration of each interruption (measured in minutes), divided by the total number of customers (averaged over the financial year).
  • System average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) is the total number of interruptions, divided by the total number of customers (averaged over the financial year).

Ergon Energy's SAIDI and SAIFI performance is measured and reported based on the broad feeder categories of urban, short rural and long rural feeders. The MSS limits differ between feeder types reflecting the performance that should reasonably be achieved on each type.

Ergon Energy SAIDI limits (minutes per customer)

Feeder type2019–202020–212021–222022–232023–242024–25
Urban 149 149 149 149 149 149
Short rural 424 424 424 424 424 424
Long rural 964 964 964 964 964 964

Ergon Energy SAIFI limits (interruptions per customer)

Feeder type2019–202020–212021–222022–232023–242024–25
Urban 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98 1.98
Short rural 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95
Long rural 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40

Annual MSS reports