Mining lease application notices

The applicant must publish their mining lease application notice in either a hard copy newspaper or an online publication. The notice should be published for at least 24 hours and must be published at least 15 days before the last objection day.

According to Queensland law, anyone can object to a mining lease application or current environmental authority application for a mining lease. The objection period is a minimum of 20 business days. Details of current mining lease applications are provided below.

Make sure your objection is lodged by 4.30pm on the last day of objections.

Mining lease objections

To object to the mining lease application you must:

Environmental authority objections

The procedure you must follow depends on when the lease application was lodged. Applications lodged:

Notices of mining lease applications

You can download the mining lease notice (MLN) below.

Note: Notices for applications lodged before 31 March 2013 are not published on this website. They are available, along with all application documents, from the mines assessment hub where the claim was lodged.

Application documents that can be downloaded are scanned PDF documents and may not be fully accessible. If any difficulties are experienced with the accessibility of any document, contact the relevant mines assessment hub for a full copy of the lodged application documentation.

Mineral and other purposes

ML number Applicant Local government Last objection day
ML 100390 Jayde Aaron MCGOWAN (100%) Cook Shire Council 27 March 2025
Application documents (PDF, 7.1MB)
Area map (PDF, 378.7KB)
Notice of mining lease (PDF, 181.5KB)

Additional application documentation can be obtained from the Mineral Assessment Hub.


There are currently no coal mining lease applications.