Section 29 notices for native title
Under section 29 of the Native Title Act 1993, the notification process is triggered when addressing native title rights and interests through the expedited procedure and right-to-negotiate process.
The Act requires that any relevant native title party, the registered native title body corporate, the Aboriginal/Torres Strait Island representative body, the National Native Title Tribunal and the applicant be notified of the State's intent to grant a right to mine over land that is subject to native title.
For a public notification, the notification must occur in both:
- a newspaper that circulates throughout the area to which the notification relates
- a relevant special interest publication, usually a newspaper, such as the Koori Mail, that caters mainly, or exclusively, for the interests of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The notices are referred to as section 29 notices. You can find details of the notice requirements in the Native title guideline: Notification and advertising process (PDF, 117KB).
Public notification is not required where the resource application falls within the boundary of a native title determined party or parties. The notice is sent directly to the native title party or parties.
Section 29 notices from the last 6 months
View the list of the native title section 29 notices from the last 6 months below. Contact us if you need to access any notices from before that time.
Note: These notices are in PDF format and may not be fully accessible by assistive readers. Contact us if you require the documents in an alternative format.
March 2025
Wednesday 19
Wednesday 12
- Santos Limited, Delhi Petroleum Ptd. Ltd, Beach Energy (Operations), Vamgas Pty Ltd and Santos Australian Hydrocarbons Pty Ltd PL 1138 (PDF, 679.2KB)
- Clyde Ian Doxford ML 100415 (PDF, 146.2KB)
- Multiple advertisement EPM 27487, EPM 29090, EPM 28907, EPM 28912, EPM 28919, EPM 28921, EPM 28922, EPM 28924, EPM 28945, EPM 28947, EPM 28953, EPM 28955, EPM 28956, EPM 28964, EPM 28967, EPM 28972, EPM 28975, EPM 28978, EPM 28980 and EPM 28983 (PDF, 888.9KB)
February 2025
Wednesday 26
- Multiple advertisement EPG2052, EPG2053 (PDF, 239.3KB)
- Ark Mines Ltd ML100409 (PDF, 157.0KB)
- Icon Energy Limited PL 1144 (PDF, 154.8KB)
Wednesday 5
- Direct Notification ML 20381 (PDF, 152.7KB)
- Direct Notification ML 100337, ML 100338 (PDF, 251.1KB)
- Direct Notification ML 100407 (PDF, 153.2KB)