Applying for a resource authority (tenure)

The Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development requires all large mining and petroleum projects to apply for a resource authority under the relevant resource legislation.

A resource authority includes applications such as a mining lease, petroleum lease, exploration permit and mineral development licence.

The type of resource authority that applies to the project will determine whether a direct application or an application in response to a call to tender is required.

Note: Any 'future act' on land or waters that will affect native title rights and interests are subject to native title processes. Most resource authority applications are considered future acts and will need to follow the native title process as determined by the Native Title Act 1993.

Before you begin

Before applying for a resource authority, we strongly recommend that you attend a pre-lodgement meeting with the department to discuss the process and information required before you lodge your application.

We also recommend that you read:

Preparing your application

Before starting your resource authority application, use the mapping system GeoResGlobe to prepare the shapefile to describe the area you are applying for.

Gather your personal and contact information and your research results to assist in completing the form. This will ensure that a 'properly made' application is received by the department and that the assessment process will not be held up or your application refused due to missing information.

The following guides will help you understand the application process:

How to apply

Access application forms for resource permits. Most applications can be lodged and tracked online using MyMinesOnline.

Application forms can also be lodged in person or by mail or email with the relevant assessment hub.

For assistance using MyMinesOnline, refer to the user guides and technical support.

Next steps

The next step in the process is acceptance of a resource authority (tenure) application by Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development.

If you have not already, you will need to register as a suitable operator.

Contact us

Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development

Contact the relevant assessment hub.

Mineral Assessment Hub

Coal Assessment Hub

Petroleum Assessment Hub

Small Scale Mining Hub