Environmental notifications and reports for coal and mineral activities
Use the menu below to find out about your environmental reporting and notification requirements for mining resource activities. Click on a heading to either expand or collapse the heading content. You should also read about environmental licences and permits.
Note: Holders of environmental authorities (EAs) that are not related to resource tenures should read about complying with an environmental authority.
You have a duty to notify of environmental harm and to report certain events (including an emergency or incident) according to the specific conditions of your EA.
Note: You have additional obligations to notify of environmental harm if you are an owner or occupier of contaminated land. Your employees and auditors also have obligations to notify of environmental harm.
This information explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland environmental legislation.
Who this applies to
- Holders of all EAs for resource activities
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- read the guideline The duty to notify of environmental harm (ESR/2016/2271) (PDF, 505KB)
- read about meeting environmental obligations and duties.
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Duty to notify of environmental harm (ESR/2015/2230) (DOCX, 128KB)
written notification with details of the event
(EP Act1 s. 320-320G)Within 24 hours if an event occurs that causes or threatens environmental harm
Phone 1300 130 372 and select option 2 'pollution'. Also provide written notification to Permit and Licence Management, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation by:
- email: pollutionhotline@des.qld.gov.au. Include 'Duty to notify of environmental harm' in the subject line
- or
- registered post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4000
1EP Act: Environmental Protection Act 1994
As the holder of an EA for a resource activity, you are required to pay an annual fee in advance each year and submit a completed annual return for the past year. The annual fee is payable on or before the anniversary of the day the EA took effect.
The process for submitting annual returns has changed.
- The annual return will now be sent separately to your annual notice.
- The reporting period for the annual return is no longer for the year up to and including the anniversary date of your EA. The new reporting period is 1 January to 31 December.
The annual return will be issued separately prior to the due date, which has changed to 1 April each year.
The annual return form also includes minor changes to the questions and to the rehabilitation and disturbance information required for resource activities.
Annual returns are sent separately to your annual notice.
The reporting period for annual returns is 1 January to 31 December (calendar year).
If you have registered with Online Services:
- the annual fee can be paid online using credit card
- the annual return can be completed online.
You can register online through Online Services.
This information explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland environmental legislation.
Who this applies to
- Holders of all EAs for resource activities
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- read about annual returns and fees for an environmental authority
- read the information sheet Summary of fees for environmentally relevant activities (ERAs) (ESR/2015/1746) (PDF, 186KB)
- read the information sheet Paying a reduced annual fee (ESR/2015/1723) (PDF, 113KB).
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Annual fee and return
(EP Act1 s. 316I)You will be sent an annual notice containing lodgement information at least 20 business days before the anniversary day for the EA.
Annual returns will be due on 1 April each year.
Follow the lodgement details on the notice
Notify change of eligibility for reduced annual fee
(EP Reg2 s. 126, 132)Within 10 business days of becoming aware of a change in eligibility for a reduced annual fee
Post or email written notice to:
Permit and Licence Management
Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation- Regular post: GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
- Email: palm@des.qld.gov.au
1EP Act: Environmental Protection Act 1994
2EP Reg: Environmental Protection Regulation 2019 -
There is no requirement for mining activities to continue to provide a plan of operations following commencement of the Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018.
When you intend to relinquish a resource authority, you should first surrender the relevant EA and submit a post-surrender management report. The post-surrender management report requires that you carry out a risk assessment of the land in compliance with the Residual risk assessment guideline (ESR/2020/5433) (PDF, 786KB). If your EA contains conditions about rehabilitation and a PRCP schedule does not apply, you will also be required to submit a final rehabilitation report with your surrender application.
If you intend to relinquish only part of your resource authority, you should first apply for a partial surrender of your EA and complete a post-surrender management report and a final rehabilitation report (if required) for the area to be relinquished. You may also choose to apply for an estimated rehabilitation cost (ERC) decision. If you were required to have a plan of operations, you must amend or replace your plan.
Note: If you are conditionally surrendering a resource authority in favour of a new resource authority you cannot surrender the relevant EA.
This information explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland environmental legislation.
Who this applies to
- Holders of all EAs for resource activities
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- read about area relinquishment and surrender for coal and minerals resource authorities
- read about surrendering an environmental authority
- read the Progressive rehabilitation and closure plan guideline (ESR/2019/4964) (PDF, 2.3MB)
- read about financial assurance for resource activities
- read the guideline Estimated rehabilitation cost under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (ESR/2018/4425) (PDF, 966KB)
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Application for surrender or partial surrender of an environmental authority for a resource activity (ESR/2015/1751) (DOCX, 243KB)
(EP Act1 s. 262)When you surrender or partially surrender your EA
If prior to the cancellation or expiry of the resource authority, post or email to the relevant assessment hub
Otherwise, post or email to:
Permit and Licence Management, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
- Email: palm@des.qld.gov.au
Amending surrender application
(EP Act s. 263)Any time before the application is decided
Post or email written notification to:
Permit and Licence Management, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
- Email: palm@des.qld.gov.au
Final rehabilitation report with landowner statement (ESR/2015/1616) (DOCX, 233KB)
(EP Act s. 264)With a surrender or partial surrender if the EA contains conditions about rehabilitation prior to the cancellation or expiry of your resource authority
Submit with an application to surrender an EA
Post-surrender management report (ESR/2020/5434) (DOCX, 293KB)
(EP Act s. 264A)With a surrender or partial surrender if the EA is for a resource activity Submit with an application to surrender an EA. Application for a decision on the estimated rehabilitation cost (ESR/2018/4426) (DOCX, 191KB)
(EP Act s. 298)When you partially surrender your EA
Coal: Post or email to:
Coal Mining Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: PO Box 3028, EMERALD QLD 4720
- Email: CRMining@des.qld.gov.au
Minerals: Post or email to:
Minerals Mining Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: PO Box 7230, CAIRNS QLD 4870
- Email: ESCairns@des.qld.gov.au
Energy and Extractive: Post or email to:
Energy and Extractive Resources Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454,
BRISBANE QLD 4870 - Email: EnergyandExtractive@des.qld.gov.au
1EP Act: Environmental Protection Act 1994
You can apply for rehabilitated areas of your tenure to be certified as having met the rehabilitation conditions of your EA and progressive rehabilitation and closure plan schedule. As part of an application for progressive certification of progressive rehabilitation you must submit a progressive certification report.
When areas have been progressively are certified, you may be able to reduce the financial assurance held for the EA.
This information explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland environmental legislation.
Who this applies to
- Holders of all EAs for resource activities
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- read about progressive certification for an environmental authority
- read about financial assurance for resource activities
- read the guideline Estimated rehabilitation cost under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (ESR/2018/4425) (PDF, 966KB).
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Application for progressive certification (ESR/2015/1563) (DOCX, 192KB)
(EP Act1 s. 318ZD)When you wish to apply for progressive rehabilitation certification
Post or email to:
Permit and Licence Management, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454 BRISBANE QLD 4001
- Email: palm@des.qld.gov.au
Amending progressive certification application
(EP Act s. 318ZE)Any time before the application is decided
Post or email written notification to:
Permit and Licence Management, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
- Email: palm@des.qld.gov.au
Progressive rehabilitation report with landholder statement (ESR/2015/1616) (DOCX, 233KB)
(EP Act s. 318ZF)With a progressive certification application
Submit with an application for the certification of progressive rehabilitation
Application for a decision on the estimated rehabilitation cost (ESR/2018/4426) (PDF, 966KB)
(EP Act s. 298)When you partially surrender your EA
Coal: Post or email to:
Coal Mining Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: PO Box 3028, EMERALD QLD 4720
- Email: CRMining@des.qld.gov.au
Minerals: Post or email to:
Minerals Mining Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: PO Box 7230, CAIRNS QLD 4870
- Email: ESCairns@des.qld.gov.au
Energy and Extractive: Post or email to:
Energy and Extractive Resources Business Centre, Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation:- Regular post: GPO Box 2454,
BRISBANE QLD 4870 - Email: EnergyandExtractive@des.qld.gov.au
1EP Act: Environmental Protection Act 1994
Further information
For help or enquiries contact the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation.