Landowner and public authority notices

You must submit a range of notices to landowners in connection with your exploration or mining activities. You must also notify the public road authority about road use and notify the public land authority before entering public land.

This page provides information on your notification obligations under Queensland resources legislation.

  • You must notify the landowners and occupiers before accessing their land.

    Resource authorities this applies to

    • Exploration permit for coal or minerals
    • Mineral development licence

    How to lodge your notices

    The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:

    • refer to the legislation (references in the tables below)
    • read about accessing private land to make sure you understand your obligations to land owners and occupiers and comply with the Land Access Code.
    Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
    MINES-01 - Entry notice for private land
    (MERCPA1 Chapter 3, Part 2)
    At least 10 business days before entry, or less if the owner or occupier agrees and endorses and signs the notice Give to owner and occupier
    MINES-11 - Negotiation notice
    (MERCPA s. 84)
    Before negotiations Give to owner and occupier
    MINES-05 - Election notice
    (MERCPA s. 88)
    After the end of the minimum negotiation period (20 business days) Post, fax or email notice to the relevant mines assessment hub, and other relevant parties (refer to legislation)
    MINES-06 - Entry notice to public land
    (MERCPA Chapter 3, Part 3)
    At least 30 business days before entry Give to public land authority

    1MERCPA: Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014

  • You must notify the public road authority before you use any public road at more than the threshold rate for transportation of minerals produced or processed in the area of your resource authority.

    The threshold rates are:

    • 50,000t per year for a state-controlled roads
    • 10,000t per year for other public roads (e.g. council-controlled roads).

    Download a flowchart of requirements for public road use (PDF, 120KB).

    Resource authorities this applies to

    • Exploration permit for coal or minerals
    • Mineral development licence
    • Mining lease
    • Mining claim

    How to lodge your notices

    The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help refer to the legislation (references in the tables below).

    Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
    Notice of notifiable road use
    (MERCPR1 s. 27)
    At least 10 business days before the use starts, or less if agreed to by the public road authority in writing Submit notice to the public road authority

    1MERCPR: Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Regulation 2016

  • Additional landowner notification requirements apply to mineral development licences.

    Resource authorities this applies to

    • Mineral development licences

    How to lodge your notices

    The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help refer to the legislation (references in the tables below).

    Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
    MMOL-40 - Notice to owner of land for mineral development licence (variation of access)
    (MRA1 s. 231(9))
    Within 15 business days of the grant of the application, or longer if approved by the Minister Give notice to landholder
    MMOL-40 - Notice to owner of land for mineral development licence (grant or renewal)
    (MRA s. 187)
    Within 20 business days of the grant of the application, or longer if approved by the Minister. Give notice to landholder

    1MRA: Mineral Resources Act 1989