Safety and health reporting for coal mines
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Site senior executives and operators of coal mines must lodge notices and reports about exploration drilling activities and abandoned boreholes.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation. Download a flowchart of reporting requirements for borehole and drilling (PDF, 128KB).
Who this applies to
- Site senior executives (SSEs) at coal mines
- Operators of coal mines
Note: The term 'coal mines' also includes places where exploration activities occur.
Before starting activities
Check requirements for land access and notices to landholders for coal and mineral activities.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help refer to the legislation (references in the table below).
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Coal 4 - Notice (by coal mine operator) about coal exploration activities (PDF, 222KB)
(CMSHA1 s. 52)Before starting exploration activities Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector Record of drilling activities (by SSE)
(CMSHR2 s. 60)After drilling Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector Borehole abandonment record (by SSE)
(CMSHR s. 60A)Within 2 months after the last day of the annual reporting period if prescribed equipment is left in the hole Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector Survey plan to be submitted (by SSE) to chief executive
(CMSHR s. 100)
(P&G Regs3 s. 56)Not later than 3 months after the completion of the survey Post survey plan to Chief Surveyor, PO Box 15216, CITY EAST QLD 4002 Plan of coal mine workings with surface drill holes (by SSE)
(CMSHR s. 61)Before 31 December each year, with coal mine plans Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
2CMSHR: Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017
3P&G Regs: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Regulation 2004 -
Employers must notify us via ResHealth as soon as practicable after appointing an appointed medical adviser (AMA) for the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme and when the appointment ends.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation.
Who this applies to
- Employers of coal mine workers.
Note: The term 'coal mines' also includes places where exploration activities occur.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- read about the content of notices for appointments of AMAs.
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice of appointment of AMA
(CMSHR1 s. 45)As soon as practicable Ensure that the details for all your appointed AMAs are up to date in ResHealth. You will require the following details:
- AMA name
- start date
- end date.
Notice of end of appointment of AMA
(CMSHR s. 45)As soon as practicable Ensure that the details for all your appointed AMAs are up to date in ResHealth. You will require the following details:
- AMA name
- updated end date.
Site senior executives must notify an inspector of mines and an industry safety and health representative within 24 hours from when they become aware that a respirable dust concentration at their site exceeds the levels prescribed in section 89(1) of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017.
A follow-up notification is required if a further sample taken 2 weeks after the initial event still shows an exceedance result.
In addition, coal mine operators are required to submit quarterly data on respirable dust levels in their mines. Operators do not need to submit real-time monitoring data or static samples (e.g. samples that were not conducted on an actual worker).
These reporting requirements, effective from 1 January 2017, were introduced as part of the Mining Safety and Health Legislation (Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Other Matters) Amendment Regulation 2016.
The quarterly data will be analysed to establish dust exposure profiles for similar exposure groups and to enable effective surveillance of dust levels across all mines sites. Results will be published online and in the Queensland mines and quarries safety performance and health reports.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation.
Changes to dust reporting requirements
Prescribed occupational exposure limits for respirable coal dust and respirable crystalline silica were changed by the Mining Safety and Health Legislation (Respirable Coal Dust and Silica) Amendment Regulation 2020.
From 1 January 2021, coal mines must use the revised OEL values for assessing average exposures across a similar exposure group (SEG) and single sample exceedance monitoring and reporting.
Read further information relating to the revised OELs and how they may effect coal mines.
Recognised standard 14 - Monitoring respirable dust in coal mines (RS14) (PDF, 717KB) has been updated to reflect the recent changes in exposure limits and to improve a number of technical aspects. The updated standard (version 2) has been approved by the Minister and is now available.
Note: It is the Mines Inspectorate's expectation that sampling programs that were developed in accordance with the previous version of RS14 and established prior to the approval and release of version 2, can continue to be used by mine operators until the next annual review is due. All future reviews of site sampling programs should be in accordance with the revised RS14.
Who this applies to
- Site senior executives (SSEs) at coal mines
- Operators of coal mines
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (see references in Table 2 below)
- see Table 1 below for quarterly report submission dates. Data is due within one month of the end of each quarter.
- view Recognised standard 14: Monitoring respirable dust in coal mines (PDF, 717KB) for information on the requirements for monitoring and reporting respirable dust levels
- an online calculator (XLSX, 22KB) has been developed to assist with calculating minimum baseline and periodic sampling numbers
- refer to section 89(1) of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 for prescribed dust concentration levels
- ensure the latest quarterly reporting submission template (XLSX, 73KB) is being used to report
- view the how to report quarterly data guide (PDF, 1.0MB) to ensure the submission is accepted and processed
- access the latest similar exposure groups (PDF, 704KB) to be used when reporting data to the coal inspectorate.
Table 1: Quarterly reporting submission dates
Date range for data Date due Quarter 1 (1 January to 31 March) 1 May Quarter 2 (1 April to 30 June) 1 August Quarter 3 (1 July to 30 September) 1 November Quarter 4 (1 October to 31 December) 1 February Note: If monitoring was not conducted for a respective quarter, a confirmation email to that effect must be sent to by the submission due date. It is important that sites provide this information to prevent missed reporting periods and ensure all data is available for review.
Table 2: Dust reporting requirements
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge / notify How to lodge / notify Notice of single exceedance - First trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (2)(c))As soon as practicable after an exceedance result Inform mine workers in the similar exposure group of the risk created by the high average respirable dust concentration (e.g. at the next pre-shift toolbox talk) Notice of single exceedance - First trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (2)(c))Within 24 hours after becoming aware of an exceedance result Notify the following persons by phone: - an inspector
- an industry safety and health representative
- a site safety and health representative
Notice of single exceedance - First trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (2)(c))Within 72 hours after becoming aware of an exceedance result Submit a Notice of exceedance form (DOCX, 138KB) to an inspector in the region Notice of single exceedance – Second trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (3)(c))
(NOTE: Only required where the further sample taken 2 weeks after the first trigger event still shows an exceedance result)As soon as practicable after an exceedance result Inform mine workers in the similar exposure group of the risk created by the high average respirable dust concentration (e.g. at the next pre-shift toolbox talk) Notice of single exceedance – Second trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (3)(c))
(NOTE: Only required where the further sample taken 2 weeks after the first trigger event still shows an exceedance result)Within 24 hours after becoming aware of an exceedance result Notify the following persons by phone: - an inspector
- an industry safety and health representative
- a site safety and health representative
Notice of single exceedance – Second trigger event
(CMSHR s. 89A (3)(c))
(NOTE - only required where the further sample taken 2 weeks after the first trigger event still shows an exceedance result)Within 72 hours after becoming aware of an exceedance result Submit a Notice of exceedance form (DOCX, 138KB) to an inspector in the region Quarterly reporting of respirable dust levels
(CMSHR s. 89(5)(c)Within 1 month of the end of each quarterly reporting period (refer to Table 1) Email the Mines Inspectorate for a quarterly reporting information pack and approved submission format -
You must notify us about the holders of statutory positions (e.g. site senior executive). You must notify us before starting operations, when an appointment has been made, or when an appointment changes. You must also tell us when the management structure at the coal mine changes.
Note: In addition, we request that you notify us of appointments for control of electrical work.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation. Download a flowchart of reporting requirements for coal statutory appointments (PDF, 132KB).
Who this applies to
These requirements apply to holders of the following resource authorities and statutory positions:
- Exploration permit for coal
- Mineral development licence
- Mining lease
- Operators of coal mines
- Site senior executives (SSEs) at coal mines
Note: The term 'coal mines' includes places where exploration activities occur.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help refer to the legislation (references in the table below).
Management structure
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice (by the SSE) of management structure
(CMSHA1 s. 51)Before mining operations start Post or email notice to local Regional Mines Inspector Changes in management structure to be reported (by the SSE) to an inspector
(CMSHA s. 65)Within 14 days after the change happens Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
Operator and site senior executive appointments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice (by the holder) of appointment of a company as an operator for a coal mine (PDF, 257KB)
(CMSHA1 s. 49(1))Before mining operations start See form for lodgement details Notice of change (by the holder) of operator or mine name (PDF, 257KB)
(CMSHA s. 49(3))When appointment or name changes See form for lodgement details. Notice (by the operator) of appointment of a site senior executive for a coal mine (PDF, 197KB)
(CMSHA s. 50(1), 50(2))Before mining operations start or when appointment changes See form for lodgement details 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
Underground mine manager appointments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice (by the SSE) of appointment of an underground mine manager for a coal mine (PDF, 1.3MB)
(CMSHA1 s. 60)When appointment has been made See form for lodgement details 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
Ventilation officer appointments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice (by the underground mine manager) of appointment of a ventilation officer for a coal mine (PDF, 1.7MB)
(CMSHA1 s. 61)When appointment has been made See form for lodgement details 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
Electrical engineering activity appointments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice (by the SSE) of appointment of a person to control and manage the electrical engineering activities of a surface coal mine (PDF, 431KB)
(CMSHR2 s. 111)If electricity is proposed to be used, when appointment has been made See form for lodgement details Notice (by the UMM) of appointment of a person to control and manage the electrical engineering activities of an underground coal mine (PDF, 412KB)
(CMSHA1 s. 60(10), CMSHR s. 17, 18)As soon as practicable after appointment has been made See form for lodgement details 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
2CMSHR: Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017 -
The sooner it becomes apparent that a disease is present amongst mine or quarry workers the sooner the issue can be addressed, which will lead to better health outcomes for all workers. Reporting certain diseases to RHSQ is mandatory under the legislation.
You must notify an inspector of mines if certain serious accidents or high-potential incidents occur at your coal mine. You must also provide individual and summary incident reports.
In addition, you must report a diagnosis of any prescribed disease among current, commencing and former coal mine, mineral mine or quarry workers. You should notify a disease diagnosis even if there is uncertainty about the contribution of occupational exposure to the disease.
You do not need to report a disease if:
- you become aware of the diagnosis from a health assessment under the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme or a former worker assessment provided through RSHQ
- or
- you have already reported the disease diagnosis for that worker. You will need to do another report for the worker if additional diseases are diagnosed or the type of disease diagnosed is amended.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation.
Who this applies to
- Site senior executives
Note: The term 'coal mines' includes places where exploration activities occur.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (see references in the table below)
- read about reporting an incident for guidance on when to report incidents and how to complete the forms
- read about reporting prescribed diseases for guidance on what you need to report and the reporting process.
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice of accidents, incidents, or deaths
(CMSHA1 s. 198)Refer to legislation Provide initial verbal report to an Inspector of Mines, then notify as soon as practical in the approved form (PDF, 615KB).
Initial verbal report not required for diseases (written notice only)Form 5A - Incident report
(CMSHR2 s. 16)Within 1 month after the incident occurs Use the online form to submit an incident report Monthly incident summary form
(CMSHA s. 279)At the end of each calendar month for the current month Use the online form to submit a monthly summary report Notification of prescribed disease
(CMSHA s. 198AA)When you receive a report of a confirmed diagnosis of a prescribed disease in current or former or commencing coal mine, mineral mine or quarry workers Complete and lodge the approved disease notification form (PDF, 534KB). Refer to reporting prescribed diseases for guidance .
Also notify an industry safety and health representative. The approved form should not be provided to the ISHR
1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
2CMSHR: Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017
The mines and explosives safety and health fee funds the safety and health services provided by the Queensland Government to the mining, quarrying, explosives and fireworks industries.
The reporting requirements and applicable fee vary according to the number of workers or contractors at the operation.
Note: Mines are only required to complete the census once they have commenced operations.
Read more about the mines and explosives safety and health fee and census.
How to lodge the census
The Queensland mining and quarrying industry census form needs to be submitted by the 'responsible person', which is either the operator or the holder of the tenure as defined in s. 12D of the CMSHR1.
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the table below)
- use the link in the table below to read more on the safety and health fee and access census forms—each census form contains instructions on how to complete the form.
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Queensland mining and quarrying industry census form
(CMSHR1 s. 12F)Within 20 days after the end of each reporting period Submit online -
You must submit a range of reports and notices before starting, changing and ceasing operations.
This page explains how to meet your notification and reporting obligations under Queensland resources legislation. Download a flowchart of reporting requirements for on-site activities (PDF, 129KB).
Who this applies to
- Site senior executives at coal mines
- Operators of coal mines
Note: The term 'coal mines' also includes places where exploration activities occur.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help refer to the legislation (references in the table below).
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Plans (by SSE) of mine workings
(CMSHA1 s.67)Before 31 December each year, on request, and within 14 days of abandonment of the mine Post or email to local Regional Mines Inspector, Attn: Chief Inspector of Coal Mines, or as indicated on any request Notification of connection/disconnection of electrical supply at a coal mine (PDF, 1.4MB)
(CMSHR2 s. 19)Before introduction for use or permanent disconnection of electricity See form for lodgement details Notice (by SSE) about underground gasification activities
(CMSHA s. 52A)When site senior executive gives notice that activities are underground gasification activities Post or email notice to Chief Inspector of Coal Mines Notice by operator when land is added to or omitted from a mine
(CMSHA s. 50(3))Within 1 month after addition or omission Post or email to the local District or Regional Inspector of Mines 1CMSHA: Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999
2CMSHR: Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2017