Water reporting for coal and mineral activities
Water reporting requirements depend on whether the water that is taken is 'associated' or 'non-associated'.
- Associated water is any underground water that you take or interfere with while (or as a result of) carrying out an authorised activity on your resource authority (e.g. mine dewatering activities).
- Non-associated water is any other underground water that is taken (e.g. taken from a water bore for use in mine operations).
This page explains how to meet your reporting obligations under Queensland mining and water legislation.
Click on a heading below to find out about your water reporting and notification requirements for mining activities.
The Mineral Resources Act 1989 (the MR Act) allows holders of mining leases and mineral development licences to take associated water as a statutory right. However, these rights come with reporting obligations.
Section 334ZP of the MR Act requires authority holders to:
- report the exercise of their underground water rights to the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation when it begins
- report the volume of associated water taken to the Department of Resources.
Annual volume reporting is mandatory if the annual take is greater than 2 megalitres. If below 2 megalitres, it is good industry practice for authority holders to lodge an initial report of their water take. No further reports are required unless take rises above 2 megalitres per year.
There are additional reporting requirements under Chapter 3 of the Water Act 2000. However, these do not apply if you are taking the associated water under an existing water licence or if you would have been authorised to take the underground water before the MR Act was amended in December 2016.
Resource authorities this applies to
- Mineral development licence
- Mining lease
How to lodge your notices and reports
The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the tables below)
- read the Guideline – Quantifying the volume of associated water taken on a mining lease or mineral development licence (PDF, 604KB)
- refer to the Guideline – Queensland resources reporting lodgement (PDF, 308KB)
- read about lodging reports into the GSQ Lodgement Portal
- read the Quick guide – make good obligations (ESR/2016/2681) (PDF, 463KB)
- read the Guideline – Underground water impact reports and final reports (ESR/2016/2000) (PDF, 664KB)
- read about the baseline assessment process and access documentation to help you submit baseline assessment information
- refer to the Code for dewatered geological formations (XLS, 203KB).
Water volume reporting mandated under the Mineral Resources Act 1989
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Annual associated water volume report
(MRA1 s. 334ZP(5)(b))
(MRR2 s. s31A-31C)Within 1 calendar month after 31 October of each year Complete the Associated water volume report template (DOCX, 21KB)
If using a bore or borefield, provide details in the Extraction bore details template (XLSX, 135KB)
Zip the file(s) and upload to the GSQ Lodgement Portal selecting the Geoscience Data Component type.
Associated water closure report
(MRR2 s. 31B(3 ))
On the day the lease or licence expires or is surrendered Complete the Closure report template (DOCX, 26KB)
Upload to the GSQ Lodgement Portal selecting the Geoscience Data Component type.
1MRA: Mineral Resources Act 1989
2MRR: Mineral Resources Regulation 2013Associated water licence to take underground water
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Annual or quarterly monitoring report
(WA1 s. 1250G, s. 118)Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Performance review report
(WA1 s. 1250G, s. 118)Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Mine closure report
(WA1 s. 1250G, s. 118)Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Report of volumes taken, water levels and water quality
(WA1 s. 1250G, s. 118)Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Baseline assessments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Baseline assessment plan
(WA1 s. 397, 398)Before the day the holder exercises their underground water rights Email, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Notice of intention to undertake baseline assessment
(WA s. 403)At least 10 business days before undertaking a baseline assessment Give to bore owner Outcome of bore assessment form (ESR/2016/2392) (DOCX, 184KB)
30 business days after undertaking the baseline assessment Email or post to Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment - regular post:
PO Box 15216 City East BRISBANE QLD 4002 - or
- email: suratUWIR@rdmw.qld.gov.au
1WA: Water Act 2000
Underground water impact reports (outside CMA)
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Underground water impact report
(WA1 s. 370)Before the day the holder exercises their underground water rights
Subsequent reports: within 10 business days after the 3rd anniversary of the day the first underground water impact report took effectEmail, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Public notice
(WA s. 382)At least 2 months before an underground impact report is submitted Publish notice as required by Chief Executive of the Water Act
Provide a copy to each water bore owner in the area of the reportSubmissions summary
(WA s. 383)Must accompany an underground water impact report Email, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
1WA: Water Act 2000
Notice of closure and final reports (outside CMA)
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Notice of closure
(WA1 s. 372)1 year before the resource tenure ends
when the tenure is surrenderedEmail, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Final report
(WA s. 374)Within the period stated in the notice received from the Chief Executive Email, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Public notice
(WA s. 382)At least 2 months before a final report is submitted Publish notice as required by Chief Executive of the Water Act
Provide a copy to each water bore owner in the area of the reportSubmissions summary
(WA s. 383)Must accompany final report Email, post or deliver to Energy and Extractive Resources, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation: - email: undergroundwater@des.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
GPO Box 2454, BRISBANE QLD 4001
1WA: Water Act 2000
Make good agreements and bore assessments
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Negotiate general agreement (WA1 s. 406) From the day the holder first exercises their underground water rights until there is a underground water impact report for the tenure
Where an underground water impact report is not required, from the day the holder first exercises their underground water rights after commencement and while the holder continues to hold the tenure.Give to bore owner Make good agreement
(WA s. 423)Within 40 business days after the bore assessment is undertaken Give to bore owner Notice of intention to undertake bore assessment
(WA s. 415)At least 10 business days before undertaking a bore assessment Give to bore owner Outcome of bore assessment (ESR/2016/2392) (DOCX, 184KB) Within 30 business days after undertaking a bore assessment Email or post to Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment: - email: suratUWIR@rdmw.qld.gov.au
- or
- regular post:
PO Box 15216 City East BRISBANE QLD 4002
1WA: Water Act 2000
You must have the required water permit or licence to take or interfere with surface water or underground water (groundwater) when undertaking authorised activities on your resource authority. This includes taking or interfering with water for:
- consumptive uses
- diversion of a watercourse
- impoundment of a watercourse
- water taken from a bore.
Note: Resource authority holders must refer to their existing water licence or permit conditions for all reporting requirements.
Who this applies to
- Coal and mineral resource authority holders who hold water licences or water permits under the Water Act 2000 or entities acting on behalf of these holders
Before starting activities
Make sure you have the required water licences and permits.
How to lodge your notices and reports
The tables below show what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:
- refer to the legislation (references in the tables below)
- read about lodging reports into the GSQ Lodgement Portal.
Underground water
Licence to take underground water
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Annual or quarterly monitoring report
(WA1 s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Performance review report
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Mine closure report
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Report of volumes taken, water levels and water quality
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Permit to take underground water
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Report of volumes taken, water levels and water quality
(WA1 s. 242)Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Surface water
Licence to interfere with flow
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge As built engineering plan (diversion of a watercourse)
(WA1 s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Monitoring report (diversion of a watercourse)
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Relinquishment report (diversion of a watercourse)
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Monitoring report (impoundment of a watercourse)
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal Decommissioning report (impoundment of a watercourse)
(WA s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Licence to take surface water
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Report of volumes taken
(WA1 s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Permit to take surface water
Report/notice and legislation When to lodge How to lodge Report of volumes taken
(WA1 s. 214 (2)(e))Refer to conditions of approval Upload report to the GSQ Lodgement Portal 1WA: Water Act 2000
Further information
For help or enquiries, contact your local business centre.