Development plans and work programs

Our new project status workbook tool is designed to streamline exploration project management. We invite you to provide feedback on the tool until 28 April 2025.

You may be required to submit development plans or work programs as part of your application for a resource authority or for a renewal of an authority.

The following guidelines and templates have been developed to help you prepare these documents.



Resource authorityTemplate

Exploration permit minerals

Mineral development licence

Work program (initial and later)* (XLS, 107KB)

*While expenditure is optional as an exploration permit work program requirement, a statement providing the estimated financial resources to be committed to exploration activities for the term is required.

Exploration permit minerals project status (XLSX, 227KB)

Mining claim Work program (PDF, 1MB)
Mining lease (mineral) Mining program (DOCX, 60KB)

Prescribed mineral mining lease (New)

Prescribed mineral mining lease initial development plan template: New mining lease (DOCX, 45KB)

Prescribed mineral mining lease (Current)

Prescribed mineral mining lease initial/later development plan template: Current mining lease (DOCX, 52KB)

Authority to Prospect Work program (P&G) (XLSX, 83KB)