Exploration permit for greenhouse gas

To search for greenhouse gas (GHG) storage locations in Queensland you need an exploration permit for greenhouse gas (EPQ).

An EPQ cannot be granted within the area of the Great Artesian Basin in Queensland, defined as the area that is on or below the surface of the plan area under the Water Plan (Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers) 2017 (PDF, 1.2MB).

Permitted activities

An EPQ allows you to explore for GHG storage reservoirs within the permit area. It also allows you to carry out injection testing (with ministerial approval) and activities necessary for exploration. Your activities must follow your approved work program.

Environmental authorities

Before we grant a resource authority you will require the appropriate environmental authority.

Native title

Any native title requirements will need to be addressed before we grant an authority.

Main features of EPQs

Prerequisite authorityNA
DurationMaximum of 5 years
Size100 blocks
AreaMust not be within the Great Artesian Basin in Queensland
Rent{{ pass_35444 }} per sub-block
Application fee{{ pass_35424 }}

How to apply

You can apply through a call for tenders.

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