Safety and health notices and reports for petroleum and gas

Executive safety managers (ESMs) and operators of operating plant must lodge a range of safety and health related notices and reports to the Petroleum and Gas Inspectorate.

This information explains how to meet your reporting obligations under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004.

Who this applies to

  • Executive safety managers of operating plant
  • Operators of operating plant

How to lodge your notices and reports

The table below shows what you need to submit and how to do it. If you need more help:

Report and legislation When to lodge How to lodge
Notice of commissioning or decommissioning operating plant
(P&G Act1 s. 694A)

Commissioning: at least 20 business days before the commissioning

Decommissioning: within 20 business days after the decommissioning

Submit online using the operating plant commissioning or decommissioning form

Submit form

Nominate an ESM, operator or ORs for an operating entity (do not use this form for individual operating plant)
(P&G Act1 s. 694A)
Within 10 days of commencement of an operating plant and any time a statutory position holder changes

Submit online using the statutory positions form

Submit form

Prescribed incident report
(P&G Act1 s. 706, P&G Reg2 s. 10)
Immediately following a prescribed incident

Immediately by phone to the PGI Hotline on 1300 910 933 and electronically within 2 business days of the incident using the prescribed incident form

Submit form

Reporting under a code of practice (including:

  • reportable leaks under the leak management code
  • failure to meet cementing objectives
  • well integrity notification
  • request for an alternate means of compliance)

(P&G Reg2 s. 35)

As soon as reasonably practicable (but no later than 5 business days) after the problem arises or as otherwise stated in the code of practice

Submit online using the safety information form

Submit form

Notify about prescribed equipment lost in a petroleum well or bore
(P&G Reg2 s. 55(2))

As soon as reasonably practicable (but no later than 3 days) after the equipment is lost

Operator must email and include the operating plant particulars and details about the loss (e.g. time, date, well name, equipment)

Notify about joint interaction management plan
(P&G Act s. 705CA)
As soon as practicable after making a joint interaction management plan and before any relevant activities Operator must email to advise that the plan has been made. Include the authorised activities operating plant particulars, and details of the plan (e.g. date, parties and scope)

Application for exemption from a stated requirement for a petroleum well or coal seam
(P&G Reg2 ch. 3, pt. 4)

Prior to doing any work to which the application relates (work relating to an exemption application can only commence if the exemption is granted)

Submit online using the exemption form

Submit form

Petroleum and gas safety fee annual return
(P&G Reg2 s. 157)
For each financial year by 31 July Lodge online using the safety and health fee return form
Annual measurement report
(P&G Act1 s. 650)
On or before 1 September each year Controller of a meter must email report to
Application for gas quality approval fee
(P&G Act1 s. 622, P&G Reg2 ch. 6, pt. 2, s. 2)
When seeking approval from Chief Inspector for:
  • the quality of gas for supply be a stated person
  • or
  • a stated period or for supply to a stated consumer
  • or
  • groups of consumers, from a common source
Operator is to email to advise and request an application form.
From 1 July 2024, the application fee is $408.31. This fee increased by 0.0% on 1 July 2024 in line with Government's indexation policy

1P&G Act: Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004
2P&G Reg: Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018